USA TODAY International Edition



It’s compatible with a lot of services.

At last count, there are dozens of smart devices that work with Alexa and Echo, from bulbs to refrigerat­ors and car tech. It also can control several apps such as Spotify and Uber. It’s still not clear what services will support Home right at launch.

There are multiple Echolike options.

If the Echo is out of your price range, there’s Amazon Tap, a smaller battery- operated portable version that’s less expensive. There’s also the smaller- still Echo Dot for users who may add Alexa to another room. The built- in speaker quality is only so- so, but Dot can communicat­e wirelessly with other speakers via Bluetooth or a supplied audio cable.

It’s connected to the Amazon ecosystem.

You can add stuff to your cart or wish list and, if set up properly, even order items with your voice. If you get an audiobook or a Kindle e- book, you can listen to it via Alexa. Frequent Amazon users will get a lot of use from Echo. Google hasn’t revealed how its ecosystem including Google Play and other apps will mesh with its assistant.

Keep in mind, before making a decision on either, there are two critical factors we don’t know yet:

Is Home a good listener?

The Echo has earned a lot of credit for its strong voice recognitio­n and responsive­ness. Google search won’t be worth much if Home and Google assistant don’t understand what you’re saying.

How much will Home cost?

Echo ranges from $ 89.99 for the Dot to $ 179.99 for the main Echo. Google’s decision on price will likely decide whether Home infiltrate­s consumers’ homes.


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