USA TODAY International Edition

Trump, finally, sets a good precedent



When Donald Trump named people whom

he would consider for the Supreme Court, he started something good. The remaining presidenti­al candidates should now name their would- be appointees. This means every high- level position in the administra­tion.

Americans deserve to know what to expect from their next president and don’t need any more surprises like we have gotten the last seven years.

We are tired of people getting appointmen­ts because of race or gender, or by the connection­s they may have. Lay it all out, so when we go to the voting booth we know what we’re getting. And if we don’t like the administra­tion, we’ll only have ourselves to blame. Garry Allyn DeManty Stockton, Calif.


Sorry Trump, even if you win, no Democrats will vote to confirm any judge until the next president in 2020. Jose Colon

I commend Trump for his bold conservati­ve picks. You won't see Hillary Clinton making Supreme Court selections this early. Barry VanTrees

I like almost every one of these picks , and I'm shocked that he picked judges who are clearly conservati­ve. Davis Quest

He's never going to be president, so who cares who he picks. Ernie Helton

Mr. Trump, you have earned my vote. Keep surroundin­g yourself with the right people , and you will be unstoppabl­e. Scott DeLafayett­e

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