USA TODAY International Edition

Trump didn’t need to meet with Peña Nieto


FACEBOOK FACEBOOK. COM/ USATODAYOP­INION Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump met with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Wednesday.

First Trump goes to Louisiana to meet the victims, now he meets with the president of Mexico. Trump has done more presidenti­al things in two weeks than President Obama or Hillary Clinton have in 2016.

So golf and fundraisin­g aren’t what make an effective president? Huh. David Groner

Looks like someone told Trump that without the Latino vote he is dead in the water. If he reverses his stance now, he looks like a flake, and if he doesn’t, he loses the election. This is why you get a quality campaign manager and speech writer on board before you open your mouth. Sy Burr

No wonder Trump said, and I quote, “We love the poorly educated.” He is treating his supporters as ignorants who will believe anything he says. Sad.

Noemi Acevedo Garcia

Trump had an opportunit­y to demonstrat­e maturity instead of petulance. A constructi­ve, giveand-take discussion with the Mexican president, and an issue- based speech regarding illegal immigratio­n in America, were necessary to rebuild even a semblance of confidence in his candidacy.

The month after his nomina- tion has been wasted on illadvised dust- ups with individual­s.

The time is growing ever shorter for him to address the very real confidence issue he has with the voting public. If he chooses, he can sound presidenti­al, if he simply seizes the chance to do so. Peter Fonseca

Did the president of Mexico put money into the Clinton Foundation? No? Then sorry. Clinton is not accepting the invitation from Peña Nieto. You can still change her mind, President Peña Nieto! David Groner

He did not need to meet with a Mexican to determine what is good for Americans. Ken White TWITTER @ USATOPINIO­N We asked our followers their thoughts on Donald Trump meeting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. I think this meeting is too little too late, and it will have no effect on voters after hearing Trump’s rhetoric.

@ hotflesh It’s an act of desperatio­n on both sides. Trump wants the votes and Peña Nieto wants to be a hero. Too late. @ jamezolah Trump pulled in massive support from his hard- line stance on immigratio­n. It’s a betrayal to his followers. @ InvokeTrut­h Unexpected and intelligen­t, diplomatic move by Trump! @ MurrayMaza It’s theater. Trump has pandered to the alt- right for over a year. Who is he trying to kid? @ RMAlvarado­52 For more, follow @ USATOpinio­n or # tellusatod­ay.

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