USA TODAY International Edition

Trump’s right, let Medicare negotiate with Big Pharma


Donald Trump has certainly gotten the pharmaceut­ical industry’s attention with his rumination­s about drug prices. Within 20 minutes of last Wednesday’s news conference, in which the president- elect called for the government to negotiate directly with pharmaceut­ical companies, the industry shed roughly $ 25 billion in stock value.

Trump is nothing if not blunt, and in this case, he happens to be right. Drug companies are, he says, “getting away with murder. We’re the largest buyer of drugs in the world, and yet we don’t bid properly, and we’re going to save billions of dollars.”

As with many of Trump’s proposals, exactly what he has in mind is somewhat murky. But he has hinted at two things: jawboning the drug industry, much as he has done with defense contractor­s and manufactur­ers, and allowing the government to bargain directly with drug companies.

Medicare’s inability to negotiate over prices is one of the biggest tragicomed­ies in all of government. The situation stems from the 2003 law that created Medicare’s “Part D” drug benefit but mandated that the job of negotiatin­g would be farmed out to myriad insurance companies that don’t have government’s pricing power to buy in bulk.

The argument used by Big Pharma and its congressio­nal al- lies to sell this unusual procedure was — and we’re not making this up — that negotiatin­g directly to save taxpayer money constitute­d Big Government.

It is time to drop this ridiculous pretense, and it can be done entirely separately from the GOP’s poorly conceived effort to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Government wouldn’t refuse to negotiate directly over a new aircraft carrier or an interstate highway bridge. Why should it over drugs? When taxpayer money is involved, government should not spend more than it has to.

This is especially true for Medicare, which is expected to spend more than $ 1 trillion over the next decade on prescripti­on drugs. Government should not pick winners and losers among individual drug companies. But it can and should use its leverage as the world’s largest purchaser of prescripti­on drugs.

Estimates on how much money could be saved through direct negotiatio­n vary, depending on how the negotiatin­g would take place and who is doing the estimate.

The best estimate is from the non- partisan Congressio­nal Budget Office, which said a plan by President Obama could save $ 121.3 billion over 10 years just from low- income beneficiar­ies.

Trump might be the one person who can challenge the powerful drug lobby and finally talk some sense into Republican­s on this matter. He has changed the party’s doctrine for the worse on many issues, including trade and deficit spending.

Now is a chance for him to change doctrine for the better.


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