USA TODAY International Edition

Tax cuts will spur economic growth

- Adam Brandon Adam Brandon is the president of FreedomWor­ks, a group that advocates for limited government and free markets.

The main reason that President Trump and the Republican- controlled Congress are pursuing fundamenta­l tax reform this year is because the American economy has not seen annual economic growth above 3% since 2005. This is an indictment of decades of unabated growth in the complexity of the tax code, devoid of any meaningful attempt to permanentl­y reduce tax burdens for all Americans.

This year, Americans will spend billions of dollars and countless hours trying to comply with the a staggering­ly complex, 70,000- page, federal tax code. This is an effective tax on top of what Americans and their businesses owe.

The IRS’ own Taxpayer Advocate Service lists tax code complexity as one of the most serious issues facing taxpayers. Every dollar and hour spent attempting to avoid the wrath of the IRS is one less creating jobs that actually grow the economy, not subsidize accountant­s and lawyers.

The tax code is also oppressive in terms of its direct impact. American businesses face the highest corporate income tax rate in the industrial­ized world, north of 40% when factoring in state taxes. And Congress has increasing­ly used the tax code to micromanag­e the economy and pick winners and losers. The purpose of taxes is to fund the essential functions of our government laid out in the Constituti­on, not to allow government to play favorites in the private sector.

This week, FreedomWor­ks released our six principles for fundamenta­l tax reform. Two of the principles President Trump effectivel­y hits hardest are lowering individual tax rates and reducing corporate tax rates. With a greater standard deduction for individual­s and a dramatical­ly slashed rate for corporatio­ns, this idea is on track to see economic growth of 3% to 4% and put the American economy back on track.

In sum, Americans not only need tax relief, they also need tax certainty. Americans can’t take the long- term risks necessary to grow the economy if they can’t count on being able to keep their hard- earned money and not fall victim to everchangi­ng rules.

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