USA TODAY International Edition


House passed a bill that does the opposite of what people need and Trump promised

- Andy Slavitt

Republican­s celebrated on TV with cheers and a Rose Garden ceremony, but many Americans reacted with outrage when the House voted to dramatical­ly scale back access to health care for millions. The narrow party line vote, and the public high- fiving by Congress and the White House, come despite polls showing that by large majorities, Americans want to keep and repair the Affordable Care Act.

There is little support for repealing Obamacare and even less for the American Health Care Act passed by the House. Only 17% of the public favored a previous similar version and the new one was uniformly opposed by patient groups and care providers. It raises premiums, guts the vital Medicaid program and, while President Trump attempted to cloud the question in recent interviews, it would break a major promise of his by removing the federal ban on insurance discrimina­tion against people with preexistin­g conditions.


If there’s anyone who is an expert on the details of the health care system, it’s the parent of a sick child. A pediatrici­an relayed to me the three horrors of the GOP bill from her standpoint: patients being segregated into a high- risk pool, the reintroduc­tion of lifetime caps on insurance, and what a pre- existing condition means in the real world to her young patients — and to a parent like her. Her own son needed heart surgery that cost more than $ 1 million as a newborn.

Sometimes, the political forces just outweigh the real- world consequenc­es. The fact that the majority party cast a party- line vote should be a surprise to no one. What’s more notable was the closeness of the vote, the failed first effort, the amount of armtwistin­g, and the immediate distancing even of members who voted for the bill. Who can remember the last time a member issued a statement saying “No, I don’t like it” for a bill he just voted for, as Rep. Mario Diaz- Balart, R- Fla., did?

When House Speaker Paul Ryan made his closing appeal to rank- and- file members, he focused on the political consequenc­es of not voting to repeal the ACA. The threat was entirely from a more conservati­ve primary challenger, not the general election. In case the message wasn’t heard, Trump reinforced it with not so veiled threats to back primary opponents of those who wouldn’t get on board.

Republican­s representi­ng swing districts or those won by Hillary Clinton were in a tougher spot. They have to pay closer attention to the needs of their district, but they also need to keep money in mind. Rep. Erik Paulsen spent nearly $ 6 million to defend his Minnesota seat in 2016, and it will cost more in 2018. That kind of money is hard to raise locally and only comes with support from party leadership and big donors such as the pharmaceut­ical and medical device industries. So one by one, reluctant swing- district lawmakers were picked off.

HIDDEN ITEMS As Sen. Lindsey Graham, R- S. C., tweeted, the bill was “finalized yesterday, has not been scored, amendments not allowed, and three hours final debate.” For a bill that would affect virtually every American if it becomes law, the sponsors knew well that exposure to details — including a Congressio­nal Budget Office “score” on cost and consequenc­es — wouldn’t help. Even in the few overnight hours between when the text of the bill was released and when it passed, hidden items were uncovered that could harm victims of domestic violence, special education and protection­s for employer- based coverage.

Fortunatel­y, a number of sena- tors are expressing caution. Since Republican­s only have two votes to spare to pass anything, the Senate is likely to toss the House bill aside and start over.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can choose to correct the House’s errors and produce a bill that makes life better, not worse, for Americans — among them hundreds of thousands in his state of Kentucky who’d lose coverage under the House’s Medicaid cuts. He could also help Trump keep three promises he has made: that no American would lose coverage, that premiums would go down, and that Americans with pre- existing conditions would continue to be protected from discrimina­tion.

The House bill did not do any of those. That it did not, and Trump claims it does, signals that he’s likely to sign whatever bill comes across his desk. It puts the Senate in the best position to reverse course.

As we learned last November, real- world concerns can bring political change and elections once thought to be safe aren’t any longer. For many Americans, the 2018 midterm elections began with Thursday’s vote.

Andy Slavitt, a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributo­rs, is a former health care industry executive who was acting administra­tor for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 2015- 17.


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