USA TODAY International Edition

Happy holidays? Not for everyone

How not to comfort loved ones in pain

- Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant

The holidays are supposed to be a time of celebratio­n — but if you’re dealing with illness, divorce, incarcerat­ion or grief, that festive spirit can feel like salt being poured on a wound. Holidays can make you painfully aware of the love, liberty or life you’ve lost.

If you have a loved one who’s suffering, phrases you’ve used a thousand times without a second thought — “Happy holidays! Season’s greetings!” — can feel like a cruel joke. The most wonderful time of the year? Not for everyone.

Many people are afraid to acknowledg­e others’ pain: They don’t want to bring it up. Only after Sheryl’s husband Dave died suddenly did we realize how ridiculous that is. You can’t remind her Dave is gone. She’s aware of that every day.

The elephant is always there. The best thing you can do is speak up instead of saying silent. But knowing what to say can be as hard as finding the courage to say something. For most of our lives, we’ve made four big mistakes:

❚ When someone is in anguish, our instinct is to encourage them to think positive. “Time heals all wounds!” “Everything happens for a reason.” But after interviewi­ng people who lost a spouse or child, psychologi­sts found that the most unhelpful “help” came from those who urged them to cheer up and recover. Pressuring people to be happy is a surefire way to make them sad; feeling bad about feeling bad just makes us feel worse.

For bereaved parents and spouses, the most helpful help came from people who invited them to express their feelings. At The Dinner Party, young people who have lost spouses host an annual “All Feelings Welcome” potluck. As therapist Megan Devine says, “Some things cannot be fixed. They can only be carried.”

❚ We’ve tried to empathize by mentioning something similar we’ve encountere­d. Your brother is sick from chemo? I totally know how you feel — my cat was throwing up recently.

Sociologis­ts call this conversati­onal narcissism: that moment when we shift the conversati­on to put ourselves in the spotlight. Odds are you don’t actually know how they feel. Even if you do, you should focus on their experience, not yours.

“When you’re faced with tragedy,” writer Tim Lawrence notes, “the most powerful thing you can do is acknowledg­e. Literally say the words: I acknowledg­e your pain. I’m here with you.”

❚ We’ve tried to help by offering advice. That turns out to be the other most unhelpful form of help. Go to the gym — sure, I’ll sweat off the grief ! Come to the holiday party — yep, drinking eggnog will help me win custody of my kids.

We have some unsolicite­d advice: Don’t give unsolicite­d advice. Consider just admitting, “I wish I knew the right thing to say. I’m so sorry you’re going through this — but you will not go through it alone.”

❚ We’ve tried to show support by saying, “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” We meant it, but it put the burden on others to know what they needed and feel comfortabl­e asking. “Instead of offering ‘anything,’ ” author Bruce Feiler recommends, “just do something.”

In Hilary Weisfeld’s case, her daughter’s teacher had a 4-year-old girl with leukemia who was admitted to the hospital. They weren’t close friends. Hilary went to a toy store, bought a stuffed animal, and sent an email: “I’m coming to the hospital with a package for your daughter. I don’t want to invade your privacy or hers. If you don’t feel like coming down I’ll leave it at the front desk. No pressure.” The teacher replied immediatel­y, inviting her up. As the girl unwrapped her new toy, the teacher thanked Hilary with tears in her eyes.

When you’re at a loss for words, the best thing you can do is spring into action. Actions don’t just speak louder than words — they’re felt more deeply, too.

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