USA TODAY International Edition

Mourners unite to honor ‘a great and noble man’

Political enemies join in respect for master of diplomacy

- Donovan Slack and Richard Wolf

WASHINGTON – George H.W. Bush was heralded Wednesday as “America’s last great soldier-statesman” before about 3,000 mourners who came together across party lines at Washington National Cathedral to remember the 41st president.

Ever the diplomat, the elder Bush managed in death to bring together the nation’s four living ex-presidents, as well as President Donald Trump, the Republican he and son George W. Bush refused to support two years ago. The gathering was at times awkward as Trump and his 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, ignored each other.

The most touching moment came when the younger Bush, delivering the last of four eulogies, choked up recalling “a great and noble man, and the best father a son or daughter could have.” As the late president’s three other sons and daughter looked on tearfully, the audience burst into applause for the only time during the ceremony.

As an intergener­ational smattering of Republican­s and Democrats, liberals and conservati­ves listened intently, one speaker after another recalled qualities arguably in short supply today: Integrity. Kindness. Dignity. Humor. Empathy. Loyalty. Generosity. Truth.

“When the history books are written, they will say that George H.W. Bush was a great president of the United States, a diplomat of unmatched skill, a commander in chief of formidable accom-

plishment and a gentleman who executed the duties of his office with dignity and honor,” his son said.

“He showed me what it means to be a president who serves with integrity, leads with courage and acts with love in his heart for the citizens of our country.”

Bush biographer Jon Meacham told mourners, “George Herbert Walker Bush was America’s last great soldier-statesman, a 20th-century founding father. He governed with virtues that most closely resemble those of Washington and of Adams, of T.R. and of FDR, of Truman and of Eisenhower, of men who believed in causes larger than themselves.”

Meacham spoke about the courage Bush showed in World War II when, as a 20-year-old naval aviator, he parachuted from a burning plane over the Pacific Ocean. He alone lived to tell the tale; the rest of his crew perished.

“The rest of his life was a perennial effort to prove himself worthy of his salvation on that distant morning,” Meacham said. “To him, his life was no longer his own. There were always more missions to undertake, more lives to touch and more love to give.”

Those missions continued well into his senior years, the younger Bush recalled, including racing his speedboat, Fidelity, off the Maine coast at age 85 and parachutin­g out of a plane at 90.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney recalled the integrity with which Bush led the nation through the fall of the Soviet Union and Berlin Wall and the Gulf War, when he assembled a coalition of 29 disparate nations against Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.

“Let me tell you that when George Bush was president of the United States of America, every single head of government in the world knew they were dealing with a gentleman, a genuine leader, one who was distinguis­hed, resolute and brave,” Mulroney said.

Former U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming, known for his sense of humor, recalled Bush’s love of family and friends, as well as his humility.

“Those who travel the high road of humility in Washington, D.C., are not bothered by heavy traffic,” Simpson deadpanned.

Several speakers singled out Bush’s belief in volunteeri­sm and his phrase “a thousand points of light,” which he turned into a nonprofit group, the Points of Light Foundation. They noted his signing of the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act.

The younger Bush said his father “strongly believed that it was important to give back to the community and country in which one lived.”

“He recognized that serving others enriched the giver’s soul,” Bush said. “To us, his was the brightest of a thousand points of light.”

For all the emotion, virtually every speaker touched on Bush’s good humor – even if, as Simpson said, he could never remember a punch line.

Meacham triggered laughter in the crowd by repeating former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Dana Carvey’s secret to impersonat­ing Bush – a mixture of “Mr. Rogers trying to be John Wayne.”

He recounted Bush’s relationsh­ip with his wife of 73 years, Barbara Bush, who died this year. To her husband, she was simply “Bar,” or “the silver fox,” or, at times, “the enforcer.”

After the service, the casket was flown to Houston, where Bush will lie in repose at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. A funeral will be held there Thursday.

 ?? JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY ?? Presidents Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter pay their respects.
JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY Presidents Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter pay their respects.
 ?? POOL PHOTO BY ALEX BRANDON/AP ?? A military honor guard carries President George H.W. Bush’s casket from the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
POOL PHOTO BY ALEX BRANDON/AP A military honor guard carries President George H.W. Bush’s casket from the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

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