USA TODAY International Edition

Class of 2019, make the most of tough moments

Vice President Mike Pence,


Taylor University: “We live in a time when religious belief is under assault. We’ve seen unspeakabl­e acts of violence against religious communitie­s. Synagogues in Pennsylvan­ia and California. Mosques in New Zealand. Churches in Sri Lanka. And three historical­ly black churches burned to the ground in Louisiana. And on a much lesser scale, but more prevalent, we see a change in our culture as well. You know, throughout most of American history, it’s been pretty easy to call yourself a Christian. ... Lately, it’s become acceptable, even fashionabl­e, to malign traditiona­l Christian beliefs. So as you prepare to leave this place and build your life on the Christ-centered, world-engaging foundation poured here at Taylor University, be prepared to stand up . ... Go show the world every day that we can love God and love our neighbor at the same time. Our nation and our world needs it.”

Leslie Odom Jr., Tony and Grammy Award winner, Carnegie Mellon University: “I (was) lucky enough to be a (member) of the original company of ‘Hamilton.’ ... There were, of course, many contributi­ng factors large and small that got me there. (But) much of your ultimate success lies in just how well your actions line up behind your intentions . ... I am talking about getting to know yourself and naming the things you want. I am talking about taking the time to get to know why exactly you want those things. You want influence. Well, what do you plan to do with it once you get it? Your notoriety. Your following. What do you plan to do with your money once you get it?”

Donna Strickland, Nobel Prize winner, University of Rochester: “Grab every opportunit­y and make the most of it. After my Ph.D., I took a three-year postdoctor­al position . ... Next thing you know, it is only three months until I would be unemployed and I knew I wanted a laser science job . ... The job sounded good, but it was in California. ... I had to decide between living with my new husband and being unemployed, or having an interestin­g science job and living by myself. I chose the career path. You always have to make choices. My husband and I kept looking for jobs so we could be together, and we were only apart for one year after we were married.”

Purdue University President Mitch Daniels: “At other places, but I’m happy to say not yet at Purdue, students have demanded to be kept ‘safe’ from speech, that is, mere words, that challenge or discomfit them . ... I don’t pretend to know what’s causing the phenomenon. I do know that in the world you’re about to enter, emotional strength, in the form people are now terming ‘resilience’ or ‘grit,’ will be essential for you to realize the enormous potential we see in you . ... Don’t misunderst­and this, but I wish for you many ... tough moments. You can easily avoid them; just lead a safely inconseque­ntial life: Run no risks, confront no injustice, accept no roles of leadership. But that’s not the path we expect you to choose.”

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Manhattan College: “When I was a child, my family was poor. No lawyer or judges lived in my neighborho­od. I knew nothing about the Supreme Court. … You cannot dream of becoming something you do not know about. You have to learn to dream big. Education exposes you to what the world has to offer, to the possibilit­ies open to you.”

Ken Jeong, doctor, comedian and actor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro: “A lot of people think I’m the model minority. I’m a doctor. I’m an actor. I’m an Instagram model . ... What is your act II? Everyone here has a different timeline. Everyone here has a unique story. Figure out what your act II is, and embrace the change, embrace the twists and the unexpected turns . ... They say everything happens for a reason. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know everything happens, and it’s up to you to maximize the reality of your situation.”

Retired Lt. Gen. Michelle Johnson, York College: “Higher education changed the trajectory of my life ... in my role as the (Air Force) Academy superinten­dent . ... When my mandatory Air Force retirement date arrived in 2017 ... the National Basketball Associatio­n was looking for an experience­d leader to formalize processes in scouting, training and evaluating referees . ... I was surprised to be approached by the NBA . ... And it illustrate­s a point I’d like to share with you, that life doesn’t always follow a straight line. There are ups and downs, detours and serendipit­ous opportunit­ies that more resemble a ‘Mario Kart’ race than a planned road. ... Art Buchwald said ... these may not be the best of times or the worst of times, but this is the only time we have. Let’s make the most of it!”

Robert F. Smith, investor, Morehouse College: “On behalf of the eight generation­s of my family who have been in this country, we’re going to put a little fuel in your bus. This is the challenge to you, alumni. This is my class — 2019. And my family is making a grant to eliminate their student loans. Now, I know my class will make sure they pay this forward. And I want my class to look at these ... beautiful Morehouse brothers, and let’s make sure every class has the same opportunit­y going forward.” WANT TO COMMENT?

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