USA TODAY International Edition

For transgende­r youth, an affirming family is important



As a transgende­r man, advocate and parent, I was disturbed to read “My daughter thinks she’s transgende­r. Her public school undermined my efforts to help her,” Jay Keck’s dangerous column defending the rejection of his trans son.

When a child comes out as transgende­r, it’s important that they’re met by an affirming family. Sadly, many trans youth face rejection. Sometimes that rejection is blatant and ugly, other times it’s cloaked in what appears to be good intentions. Keck may use kind words, but the reality is his son’s only support comes not from the home but at school, from administra­tors and social workers.

Keck’s defense of “conversion therapy” is also shocking. This debunked practice, denounced by every major medical associatio­n, is tantamount to child abuse and increases the risk of depression, anxiety and suicide.

Embracing a trans child can be a journey. Fortunatel­y, many parents are meeting the occasional difficulty with a determinat­ion to support their child. I hope Keck embraces that path. Not just for his sake but also for his son’s. Jay Brown

Human Rights Campaign Washington

As a teacher, I’ve seen parents reject many of their children’s choices. We forget being a young adult means they’re self- discoverin­g beyond the family unit. If Keck’s son has known for years that this is his identity, especially with the affirmatio­n from his school, he’s not misguided. He knows exactly who he is, more so than any of us.

As a person with autism, it was unkind that it was used as a reason why Keck’s child couldn’t understand himself and his actions. Autism makes it harder for us to communicat­e to others and read social cues. It no way hinders how we see and understand ourselves. Aden Wilke

Norcross, Ga. WANT TO COMMENT? Have Your Say at letters@ usatoday. com, @ usatodayop­inion on Twitter and facbook. com/ usatodayop­inion. Comments are edited for length and clarity. Content submitted to USA TODAY may appear in print, digital or other forms. For letters, include name, address and phone number. Letters may be mailed to 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA, 22108.

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