USA TODAY International Edition

Barr had held NY prosecutor in high regard

Barr’s glowing words cloud prosecutor’s ouster

- Kevin Johnson

Questions deepen after Geoffrey Berman’s dismissal.

In Attorney General William Barr’s most recent public assessment, Geoffrey Berman was doing an exemplary job as Manhattan’s chief federal prosecutor.

There was talk of naming him to another weighty position in the Trump administra­tion, including chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission or chief of the Justice Department’s Civil Division in Washington.

“With tenacity and savvy, Geoff has done an excellent job leading one of our nation’s most significant U. S. Attorney’s Offices,” Barr said late Friday night, adding that the prosecutor had achieved “many successes on consequent­ial civil and criminal matters.”

The only problem: Berman, whose office has prosecuted and investigat­ed several of President Donald Trump’s allies, had no interest in leaving to make way for the president’s favored replacemen­t – current SEC Chairman Jay Clayton, whose resume is absent any previous experience as a prosecutor.

Less than 48 hours after a battle for control of the Justice Department’s most prestigiou­s office ended with Trump ordering Berman’s dismissal, the urgency of the administra­tion’s action has not been fully explained.

By some accounts, Clayton had expressed interest in the Manhattan post to both Barr and Trump while preparing to leave the SEC. Others have suggested that the abrupt move, initially revealed on another late Friday night, mimicked the recent actions to remove a number of government watchdogs cast as disloyal or a threat to the administra­tion.

Barr announced then that Berman was “stepping down” to make way for Trump’s intended nomination of Clayton, prompting the prosecutor to fire back that he had “no intention” of resigning. The standoff was ultimately broken Saturday when Trump formally dismissed Berman, who indicated that he would not challenge the action.

“The common theme in this multitrade proposal,” said a person familiar with the matter, “is a desire to get Geoff Berman out of the Southern District of New York.”

Lawmakers on Sunday continued to raise questions about the sudden removal of the prosecutor who oversaw the prosecutio­n of Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and who also is managing investigat­ions of the president’s current lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, along with two of Giuliani’s former business associates.

“You really have to question this Friday night attempted massacre – now completed one,” House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, DCalif., told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Schiff pointed to Berman’s initial refusal to resign in which the prosecutor referenced ongoing investigat­ions within his office and his desire to advance them “without delay or interrupti­on.”

The prosecutor did not elaborate on the nature of specific inquiries, but his ultimate ouster comes just days after former Trump national security adviser John Bolton revealed in a book that the president once sought to interfere in an investigat­ion of a Turkish bank to pacify Turkey’s president, Recep Erdogan. The inquiry is being led by Berman’s nowformer office.

Separately, Sen. Mark Warner, D- Va., the vice- chairman of the Intelligen­ce Committee, told CBS’ “Face the Nation” that the Justice Department, under Barr’s leadership, has “repeatedly” intervened in politicall­y- sensitive cases.

This year, the attorney general overruled prosecutor­s to recommend a lighter prison sentence for Trump adviser Roger Stone. More recently, he has become embroiled in an effort to abandon the prosecutio­n of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn.

In both cases, the attorney general’s action drew a hail of criticism and sharp rebukes from a court- appointed arbiter in the Flynn case who called the Justice Department action a “gross abuse” of power.

“So, there seems to be a pattern from this administra­tion that the president and his henchman, Mr. Barr, are willing to get rid of anyone that’s investigat­ing people that get close to Donald Trump,” Warner said, adding that he had no direct evidence that the removal was connected to ongoing investigat­ions.

In a Saturday letter informing Berman of his dismissal, Barr rejected the prosecutor’s suggestion that ongoing cases might be thwarted by the action.

“Your statement also wrongly implies that your continued tenure in the office is necessary to ensure that cases now pending in the Southern District of New York are handled appropriat­ely,” Barr wrote. “This is obviously false. I fully expect that the office will continue to handle all cases in the normal course and pursuant to the department’s applicable standards, policies, and guidance.”

He urged supervisor­s to take any allegation­s of “improper interferen­ce” to the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz for review.

In his Friday night statement, the attorney general said that the president was appointing New Jersey’s chief federal prosecutor, Craig Carpenito, to serve in New York, pending Senate action on Clayton’s nomination. But Barr walked that back Saturday, saying that Berman’s top deputy, Audrey Strauss, would take charge as acting U. S. attorney until a replacemen­t was seated – a move that appeared to mollify Berman’s initial concerns.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, R- S. C., one of Trump’s most vocal allies in Congress, said the president possessed the authority to remove Berman. He also expressed “confidence” in Strauss to run the Manhattan office “in a profession­al and ethical manner.”

Graham, whose committee would weigh the confirmation of a nominee to replace Berman, said that he knew Clayton and “believe him to be a fine man and accomplish­ed lawyer.”

But the chairman also signaled that he would not move forward with the nomination without sign off from New York’s two senators.

Both Sens. Chuck Schumer, D- N. Y., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D- N. Y., have called on Clayton to remove his name from considerat­ion.

“I will not be complicit in helping President Trump and Attorney General Barr fire a U. S. attorney who is reportedly investigat­ing corruption in this administra­tion,” Gillibrand said.

Senate Minority Leader Schumer has called on Justice’s inspector general to review the action.

Trump, meanwhile, sidesteppe­d on Saturday the firestorm and his own decision to fire the prosecutor.

The decision to remove Berman, the president said, was Barr’s to make.

“I’m not involved,” Trump told reporters before departing for Oklahoma.

 ?? MARY ALTAFFER/ AP ?? Geoffrey Berman, U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, agreed to step down after vowing not to resign.
MARY ALTAFFER/ AP Geoffrey Berman, U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, agreed to step down after vowing not to resign.

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