USA TODAY International Edition

Our view: Welcome Kasich to the Democratic convention


These days, there’s no shortage of conservati­ve thought leaders who’ve had it with President Donald Trump.

They include columnist George Will, editor Bill Kristol and Joe Scarboroug­h, a one- time GOP congressma­n who now lights into Trump from his perch at MSNBC.

There is also Steve Schmidt, the director of Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidenti­al campaign, and George Conway, a lawyer who once dug up dirt on President Bill Clinton and who is married to Trump aide Kellyanne Conway. The two have joined other Republican­s to form The Lincoln Project, a group whose anti- Trump attack ads are so creative that they just might have elevated the genre to an art from.

Now comes word that John Kasich — the former Ohio governor and Republican presidenti­al aspirant — is going to speak at the Democratic National Convention Aug. 17- 20 in Milwaukee in favor of its presumptiv­e presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden.

By any measure, it’s an impressive array of firepower arrayed for the benefit of the former vice president.

Yet some Democrats, generally from the liberal wing of the party, don’t want this help. They dismiss The Lincoln Project and other Never- Trump Republican groups as play toys of millionair­e and billionair­e donors. They actively don’t want Kasich to speak.

One of their arguments is that Republican­s such as Kasich will help steer Biden and the Democratic Party in a more centrist direction when they should be making a hard left turn.

There are also more convoluted arguments, such as that these Republican­s will earn political chits and amass moral capital, which they will then use to turn on Democrats in the future. It all amounts to a deep distrust among progressiv­es of anyone who doesn’t share their views.

This is, of course, extremely misguided. The Democrats should welcome all the help they can get, especially from Kasich, a respected elder statesman from a battlegrou­nd state in a battlegrou­nd region of the country.

Crossover speakers at convention­s are, moreover, nothing new:

In 1996, President Ronald Reagan’s first press secretary, James Brady, appeared at the Democratic convention with his wife, Sarah.

In 2004, both political convention­s had Democratic keynote speakers. Just over a month after Barack Obama, then an Illinois state senator, delivered his famous “One America” speech, Zell Miller, a former Democratic governor of Georgia, gave a fiery speech to the GOP convention.

❚ In 2008, when Obama was the Democratic presidenti­al nominee, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticu­t, a Democratic senator and a former vice presidenti­al candidate, spoke at the Republican convention on behalf of his friend, Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

This November, the Democrats’ No. 1 job is to restore constituti­onal rule to this country by ridding it of what Schmidt calls this “illiberal, dishonest, vile, corrupt and galactical­ly incompeten­t president.” Republican­s can help with that.

The Democrats’ second job is to focus not on particular policy matters but on winning big on Nov. 3. They should want to make his enablers in Congress feel something akin to physical pain when they see the election results coming in. And they should want to win so many swing voters and erstwhile Republican­s that the GOP will be forced to face the reality that it simply has to change.

These are actually some of the same things principled anti- Trump Republican­s want. Together with Democrats of all stripes, they could form a broad coalition of Americans intent on getting their country back.

Kasich, in particular, could make this case. Like Biden, he has developed a deep reservoir of respect by establishi­ng a set of principles of public service and sticking to them. And, like Biden, he appeals to the types of voters who want a fair dose of pragmatism in their politics.

Progressiv­es should welcome Kasich to the Democrats’ convention. In fact, they should welcome all Republican­s who want to join in. The larger their coalition, the larger the change they can bring about.

 ??  ?? Former Vice President Joe Biden, left, and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich in 2017. PATRICK SEMANSKY/ AP
Former Vice President Joe Biden, left, and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich in 2017. PATRICK SEMANSKY/ AP

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