USA TODAY International Edition

Harris seeks to galvanize power of women’s votes

Senator to accept VP nomination tonight

- Maureen Groppe

WASHINGTON – The force of women in the Democratic Party will be on full display Wednesday when vice presidenti­al nominee Kamala Harris delivers her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Harris looks to make history as the first female vice president when the gender divide in U. S. politics has become a chasm.

The defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016 and what some saw as misogyny in the race touched off a wave of activism further stoked by the # MeToo movement. As a result, women have become an increasing­ly formidable political force, though they still face hurdles running for office.

Harris will be joined in Wednesday night’s lineup by Nancy Pelosi, the first female speaker of the U. S. House and a top foil to President Donald Trump. Pelosi owes her gavel to the female candidates, campaign contributo­rs and voters who flipped the House in 2018. Women could likewise be crucial to Democrats’ attempt to win the Senate this fall.

At the same time, Clinton’s appearance Wednesday night will be a reminder that she suffered a stinging defeat – and that the “highest, hardest glass ceiling” she hoped to shatter is intact.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D- Mass., another speaker at the virtual convention Wednesday, is among the record number of women who ran for the 2020 Democratic nomination who, like Harris, finished behind Joe Biden.

“It’s celebratin­g and recognizin­g the important roles that women have played, the ways that they push the boundaries and pushed our expectatio­ns of what it means to be a political leader,” Kelly Dittmar, a political science professor, said of Wednesday’s roster. “But I do think, whether or not they ex

plicitly talk about it, it will also be a reminder that there’s still this stubbornne­ss at the very top.”

‘ Still pretty freakin’ excited’

Activists who have been fighting for decades for female candidates said their excitement over Harris’ nomination is not tinged with disappoint­ment that she’s the No. 2. “Change takes time – and it takes people fighting for it,” said Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority Foundation.

Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY’S List, a major national force for grooming female Democratic candidates, said she tells women they have to win their primary before they can win the general election. The Democratic presidenti­al primary, Schriock said, was difficult and complicate­d – and Biden emerged with the winning coalition.

Schriock is “still pretty freakin’ excited” by the prospect of a female vice president.

“We’ve got to get folks to see what this looks like, and if this is the way we’re going to do it, I’m just fine by that,” she said. “We’re going to see a woman president of this country. We’re going to see many women presidents of this country. But we haven’t even seen a woman vice president.”

If Harris does become the first female vice president, women will be a top factor. “They are galvanized. They are activated. They have become a vital constituen­cy for anybody seeking to win the presidency,” said pollster Joel Benenson, who was a chief strategist for Clinton.

Clinton carried the female vote in 2016 in an 11- percentage- point gender gap that tied the 1996 record. Trump won a plurality of white women, but support from that group has eroded.

Sarah Longwell, a GOP strategist and Trump critic who conducted focus groups of women who voted for Trump but soured on him, said the unease has spread to the entire party.

Women she’s studied, many of whom are extremely anxious about the coronaviru­s pandemic, want to listen to scientists and doctors, she said. They don’t want to align with what they see as racism among some Trump supporters or the “kookiness” of those who don’t believe in a vaccines but do believe in conspiracy theories, Longwell said.

“A suburban woman looks at Kamala Harris and feels much greater identification than ( when) they look at the QAnon weird conspiracy theories,” she said. “There’s a cultural divide happening there.”

The share of female registered voters who identify with the Democratic Party grew to 56% in surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019 versus 48% in 1994, according to the Pew Research Center. The share who identify with the GOP dropped to 38% from 42% over the same period.

Penny Nance, head of the conservati­ve Concerned Women for America, defended Trump’s record as she stood by his side at a White House event Tuesday recognizin­g the 100th anniversar­y of the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote. “Women are concerned about their schools reopening,” Nance said. “They’re concerned about their businesses. And what better man to restart the economy than the one who did it the first time?”

Before announcing he was pardoning suffragist Susan B. Anthony for voting illegally in 1872, Trump talked about the large number of women who run businesses, go to college and vote in elections. “In other words,” Trump said, “women dominate the United States.”

A Pew Research Center poll in 2019 showed that 77% of Democrats said it’s harder for women to advance, but only one- third of Republican­s agreed that “significant obstacles still make it harder for women to get ahead than men.”

Michael Hais and Morley Winograd wrote for the Brookings Institutio­n that the gender realignmen­t in politics is the biggest change in party affiliation since the movement of loyal Democratic voters in the South to the GOP.

“It’s kind of like a tsunami off the shore,” said Winograd, a senior fellow at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School’s Center on Communicat­ion Leadership and Policy. “You see it coming, but you don’t know the full force of it and can’t know it until it actually happens.”

Though Trump accelerate­d the allegiance of women to the Democratic Party, Winograd said, “it is also important to recognize that it was Hillary Clinton’s defeat that provided the spark.”

‘ Dashed expectatio­ns’

Historian Nancy Cohen, author of “Breakthrou­gh: The Making of America’s First Woman President,” said there was a “real complacenc­y” around Clinton’s campaign that probably grew out of a sense that women had reached full equality.

Clinton’s loss was a wake- up call that led to women’s marches and a record number of women running for, and winning, office, Cohen said.

“What strikes me is that history is full of examples like this,” Cohen said. “Movements often arise out of dashed expectatio­ns.”

Before Clinton won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College, the largest number of women who had reached out to EMILY’S List about running for office was less than 1,000 – a record set in the 2016 election cycle that the group said was inspired by Clinton’s campaign.

Since her defeat, more than 55,000 women have contacted the group.

“Women are more politicall­y engaged than ever,” said Amanda Hunter, research and communicat­ions director for the Barbara Lee Family Foundation. “And women report that they have no plans to slow down.”

A survey conducted at the end of last year for the foundation and American University’s Women and Politics Institute found women of all ages – but particular­ly millennial­s and women of color – had become more politicall­y engaged since 2016. More than one- third of Democrat women said they’d gotten more involved in politics compared with 27% of Republican women and 23% of independen­ts.

Clinton’s loss made women’s groups put the issue of supporting women candidates higher on their agenda, said Smeal of the Feminist Majority Foundation

“They were furious. All of us were brokenhear­ted. And so we just doubled down,” she said.

Not only did female candidates help Democrats flip crucial House districts in 2018, but women voters played a more consequent­ial role than in any previous midterm election, according to Susan Carroll, a senior scholar at the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. About 6 out of 10 women reported voting for the Democratic congressio­nal candidate in their district, compared with 47% of men.

Polls in some of the most competitiv­e Senate races show equally large gender gaps that put Democrats ahead of GOP incumbents in Arizona, Iowa and Maine, according to Winograd and Hais.

Research by the Barbara Lee Family Foundation shows female candidates still have to satisfy gender stereotype­s. They have to show that they’re strong enough to handle difficult situations but must do so without jeopardizi­ng likability.

“We have found, repeatedly, that likability is a nonnegotia­ble for women candidates,” Hunter said. “Voters will vote for a man that they do not like, if they think that he’s qualified, but they will not vote for a woman if they do not like her.”

“The hurdles don’t go away,” Dittmar said, “but maybe there’s greater assistance to these women in pushing them over these hurdles and calling out the folks who try to put those hurdles in the way of their political success.”

 ?? NOAH BERGER/ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? The share of female registered voters identifyin­g with Democrats has grown to 56%.
NOAH BERGER/ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES The share of female registered voters identifyin­g with Democrats has grown to 56%.
 ?? ROBYN BECK/ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Former Vice President Joe Biden picked California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate after defeating her and other female candidates in the Democratic presidenti­al primaries.
ROBYN BECK/ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Former Vice President Joe Biden picked California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate after defeating her and other female candidates in the Democratic presidenti­al primaries.

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