USA TODAY International Edition

COVID left us alive but broken

‘ Long- haulers’ need attention and aid

- Diana Zicklin Berrent Diana Zicklin Berrent is the founder of Survivor Corps, a nonprofit connecting, supporting and mobilizing COVID- 19 survivors.

I got COVID- 19 in early March. It is nearly seven months later, and in September alone I’ve been to five medical specialist­s. I underwent an MRI earlier this month, and I have an echocardio­gram coming up. I was recently diagnosed with glaucoma; my doctor believes its sudden onset was caused by the virus. My career as a photograph­er has already come to a screeching halt; the irony of suffering damage to my eyesight — my lifeline — felt like adding insult to injury.

This descriptio­n might lead you to think I was a New Yorker who held onto my life on a ventilator through the spring, but that is far from the truth.

I woke up on a Friday, March 13 ( I hadn’t been superstiti­ous before but perhaps it’s time to reconsider), with all of the signature hallmarks of the virus I had watched, on the news, spread through China and Italy. Of course, I never imagined I’d be among the first in my area of Port Washington, New York, to test positive for this novel virus that was supposed to only affect the elderly and the immunocomp­romised.

At 45, I was at the healthiest I’ve ever been, exercising regularly and had no preconditi­ons of any kind. The thing is, I didn’t even have that bad a case of COVID. I had an average “Tylenol and Gatorade” version, and I recovered at home, isolated in my bedroom.

When I emerged from 18 days of isolation, I ran off to immediatel­y donate my antibody- rich plasma and sign up for every study for which I qualified. I was still tired and, even though my night- owl reputation had always been for outlasting brides and grooms at their own weddings, by 7 p. m. I was counting down the minutes until I could go to bed. My stomach issues never resolved but I was generally OK, until the summer came and I had a resurgence of symptoms so severe, the nausea sent me to an urgent care clinic. There, they insisted on giving me a diagnostic test — I presented as that symptomati­c even though I had “recovered” months earlier.

Shattering post- COVID syndrome

The fallout of COVID to my body has, even with a diagnosis of glaucoma, been nothing compared with many people struggling with long COVID, or post- COVID syndrome. I count my blessings as I see others, marked by all metrics as “recovered,” struggling with such extreme post- COVID medical complicati­ons that their lives have been all but shattered.

As our nation tries to wrap our collective mind around the nearly 206,000 lives lost so far to COVID- 19 this year, there is another parallel crisis that already has us in its vicious grip.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says a third of people infected with COVID are not recovering according to the expected timeline, a few weeks after testing.

Of those ages 18- 34 with no underlying conditions, 1 in 5 are not getting better two to three weeks after testing.

It is past time that we apply the same energy, investment and innovation to treat people suffering from postCOVID syndrome as we are to those hospitaliz­ed with the virus.

COVID “long- haulers” are in trouble. They are experienci­ng the ravages of a vascular disease that we now understand can wreak havoc on multiple organ systems. I started the COVID- related grassroots organizati­on Survivor Corps. We have expanded our mission to focus on patient advocacy because our members, most of whom “recovered” at home, are suffering. They are at home, unable to return to any semblance of their former lives.

Many young healthy people with no preexistin­g conditions are skeletal shadows of their former selves; they are suffering heart attacks, strokes and a host of new health complicati­ons that can leave them tethered to heart monitors and more.

Neurologic­al impact has left survivors unable to find their words, forgetful and unsure about returning to jobs that require critical decision- making.

The term “brain fog” is used often among our members. They are months into their COVID journey, but they are no closer to answers. Other than a slew of new diagnoses, they are met with blank stares and few solutions from their doctors.

Cure the living

Long- haulers, if they are lucky enough to have adequate insurance, are shuttling from specialist to specialist. But most have little medical access, and few doctors seem to understand anything about post- COVID syndrome. It is all so new that even acknowledg­ment by the medical community of this is considered a victory.

Post- COVID care centers must be establishe­d nationwide, and it’s past time to start investing in therapeuti­cs to help COVID long- haulers with the same intensity that Operation Warp Speed put into the race for a vaccine.

We are demanding a parallel race for a cure for the living. We put into mass production multiple vaccines, even without knowing which will emerge most successful — the money is there. We have seen unparallel­ed collaborat­ion between the scientific, medical and biotech world. We need to apply this same energy, with similar funding, to understand post- COVID syndrome.

We are looking at what could be a potentiall­y immense population of newly disabled Americans, including young people. Our first considerat­ion must be the well- being of the millions of Americans who’ve contracted coronaviru­s, many of whom are suffering from a virus that has left them alive but broken. We need to mourn the dead but, simultaneo­usly, we need to cure the living.

 ??  ?? Diana Berrent
Diana Berrent

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