USA TODAY International Edition

Vaccine or not, COVID isn’t going away soon

Ex- CDC chief: This is a marathon, not a sprint

- Dr. Richard E. Besser Dr. Richard E. Besser is president and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in Princeton, New Jersey.

We’ve been living in a world with conflicting narratives about the scientific understand­ing of the coronaviru­s and what the path forward is to prevent suffering and to save lives. This confusion becomes all the more dangerous as we enter flu season and as the optimism about a vaccine might tempt the United States to let her guard down.

I was acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the dawn of the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, and we understood at the time that a full- blown pandemic as we’re experienci­ng today would be a marathon, not a sprint.

This moment is an opportunit­y for our nation to bring clarity of mission and a focus that should be apolitical. Here are five reasons why the finish line of the coronaviru­s pandemic is nowhere in sight, and why Americans and our government must remain vigilant:

A gold- standard vaccine isn’t a certainty. Vaccines vary in how protective they are and how much they reduce transmissi­on. Whereas the smallpox vaccine and measles vaccine are more than 95% protective, the influenza vaccine — still the best way to reduce the risk of flu — some years reduces the risk by less than 50%. At this point, we cannot be certain that there will be a vaccine or how effective it will be.

Cold weather and low humidity are the virus’ friends. The hope that the summer heat would cause the coronaviru­s to wilt never came to be. We experience­d the opposite, in fact, as Americans began to relax, socialize and resume pre- pandemic life. This led to spikes across the Sun Belt and other parts of the country. As we now see infection levels decline in many of those former summer hot spots, we must remember that cold weather will drive us indoors, where close proximity makes spread more likely, and the change in weather keeps viruses in the air for longer periods of time.

Most Americans are still vulnerable to infection. Though this year might feel like a lifetime for many, the pandemic is still early in its life cycle. The deaths of 210,000 people in this country is a weighty and tragic milestone, but it is not an indication that most people have been infected. CDC Director Robert Redfield said recently that 90% of the U. S. population is still susceptibl­e to the virus.

America’s economic wounds will not heal soon. A public health emergency often becomes a one- two punch for the general population, with the medical concerns first and the economic fallout close behind. This pandemic illustrate­d that in a devastatin­g way. And even today, the unemployme­nt numbers show that the nation has recovered less than half of the 22 million jobs shed since spring. The disproport­ionate impact on people of color and low- income Americans — both in health outcomes and economic suffering — must drive any short- or longterm policy considerat­ions.

The coronaviru­s rescue package signed in late March that provided everything from food assistance to housing eviction moratorium­s to unemployme­nt assistance is running on fiscal fumes, and many of the supports have already expired or will expire by year’s end. In addition, the nation still needs support and funding for testing, for personal protective equipment and for basic health care services being taxed during a pandemic.

The structural vulnerabil­ities that plagued too many communitie­s before the pandemic need attention during and after it. Every person in this country should be able to follow basic CDC guidelines if they become infected.

A vaccine for kids is at least a year away. As a parent and pediatrici­an, I understand the importance of getting children back into school. It’s vital in so many ways. And though we’ve seen that children fare much better with COVID- 19 than adults, the threat of hospitaliz­ation and unknown complicati­ons down the road is real. Kids have also been shown to contribute to the spread of the virus, yet a vaccine suitable for children might not be available until next fall at the earliest.

With millions of children who might not be inoculated in the next year, we must resist the temptation to let our guard down, in our schools, homes or communitie­s. We must ensure that all schools have the resources to reduce the risk as much as possible for students, teachers and staff. Given that schools are largely funded by property taxes, we must allocate federal dollars so that all children have the opportunit­y to learn in a safe environmen­t.

Can we get to a place of common humanity in how we view one another and how we view all people’s needs and concerns? Can we use this defining moment of the pandemic to reset our thinking and our priorities so that the most vulnerable communitie­s — Black, Latino and Native Americans and lowincome workers — have the support they need to survive this pandemic and thrive in its wake?

We should be grateful that we live in a country in which our leaders at the highest levels of government can receive the best care in times of crisis. And we should do all we can as a nation to ensure that every person in this country has the support they need — whether they live on Pennsylvan­ia Avenue or Main Street, USA.

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