Delays, political games blot out Obamacare gains


People have until the end of the month to sign up for health care and avoid a penalty.

It’s only March. It’s safe to say that millions more will sign up by the end of the year, even after the deadline.

And, yes, the law isn’t perfect, but if Republican­s really want to help, they should be focused on ways to improve it. Otherwise, they need to stand out of the way and quit complainin­g. It’s counterpro­ductive at this point.

Stephen Cooper

This law hurts more than it helps. Many people were happy with their insurance. Not now.

Jackie Raposa

I wonder if the Republican­s still want to repeal Obamacare and take away health insurance plans from the more than 4 million people who have signed up via the exchanges so far.

A repeal could also affect the many individual­s, 26 and younger, who can stay on their parents’ health plan, and others with pre-existing conditions.

Even if the Republican­s took back the Senate in the midterm elections, they would never be able to override President Obama’s veto.

Daniel Hamilton

If the Affordable Care Act is going so well, why has President Obama postponed the employer mandate and allowed people to keep their “crappy” health insurance plans?

Jesse Smith

If this law were as good as promised when it was passed, President Obama and the Democrats would have let it move forward without having to delay the employer mandate and other requiremen­ts.

And since those unintended consequenc­es, which they were warned about and ignored, came to pass, they should have to pay the price come the next election.

With the Obamacare delays, supporters of the health law are trying to postpone the pain they are causing until after they are re-elected.

Hugh Marshall

The American public got duped by false advertisin­g!

The Affordable Care Act should in reality be called the Welfare Care Act. If you’re anything other than poor, there’s little affordable about it.

Matthew Jandecka

Obamacare is an unmitigate­d disaster, but I suspect that doesn’t even come as a surprise to its enablers. In my opinion, the true goal of this boondoggle has always been to pave the way for single-payer, state-run health care.

Tony Fleury

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