Democrats foolishly purge U.S. heroes

- Ross K. Baker Baker is the distinguis­hed professor of political science at Rutgers and a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs

The Democratic Party has turned into the Church of Perpetual Repentance. The occasion is the annual Jefferson-Jackson dinners, long held by Democrats in each state to raise money and fire up the troops. The name honors Thomas Jefferson, who founded the party, and Andrew Jackson, who redefined it by wresting control from the hands of the East Coast oligarchy that had come to dominate it.

But these credential­s are evidently not strong enough to retain their names at the party events in Missouri, Connecticu­t, Georgia and others sure to follow. Jefferson, as all schoolchil­dren know, was a slaveholde­r, and Jackson was a Native American-slaughteri­ng apologist for the enslavemen­t of African Americans.

This action follows hard on the heels of the demotion of the Confederat­e battle flag to justifiabl­e exile in dusty museums. But Jefferson and Jackson are not the rebel flag, a symbol of treason as well as slavery. True, neither Jefferson nor Jackson could rise above prejudices of their day, but they are too important as historical figures and central to the evolution of the Democratic Party to be banished and, by implicatio­n, disgraced.

Who could possibly get through the vetting process of the Democratic activists passionate about purging the party of any individual who could possibly be offensive to anyone? Franklin Roosevelt, who presided over the internment of Japanese Americans? Harry Truman, who used the atomic bomb on civilians? Woodrow Wilson, who acclaimed D.W. Griffith’s racist

Birth of a Nation movie at a White House screening? They would end up with admirable but obscure figures who, perhaps, deserved to be honored.

Any prominent figure in 19thcentur­y American politics would be unlikely to earn naming rights. Even “the Great Emancipato­r” Abraham Lincoln, who happened to be a Republican, was a strong supporter of the American Colonizati­on Society belief that advocated the “repa- triation” of African Americans to a spot on the coast of West Africa that was not native to most of them. He also favored sending blacks to Central America.

Who, by our contempora­ry lofty standards, is unblemishe­d? Perhaps a handful of virtuous Quakers in Pennsylvan­ia and New Jersey who abhorred slavery as a principal tenet of their faith or, perhaps, Sen. Charles Sumner of Massachuse­tts, who was beaten senseless on the floor of the U.S. Senate in 1856 by a Southerner enraged at Sumner’s eloquent tirades against slavery. Sorry, Sumner was also a Republican.

There is an awkward term used in academic circles to describe the applicatio­n of contempora­ry moral standards to people who lived long ago. It’s called “presentism,” and it mercilessl­y subjects history and historical figures to contempora­ry social enlightenm­ent. It is smug and self-satisfied and pats itself on the back for its own highminded­ness, but it is ignorant of context and erects impossibly high obstacles to which virtually no major figure can measure up. Certainly no one who had to endure the give-and-take of politics and the chore of dealing with people with whom they did not agree. Even the incomparab­le George Washington owned slaves. Perhaps the renaming of our capital should be the next target of the party leaders in the states where this cleansing ritual is taking place.

I don’t know who would buy tickets to the Elijah P. Lovejoy dinner. He was an admirable journalist who suffered for his advocacy of emancipati­on. John Quincy Adams, our sixth president, would probably make the cut, but he would inevitably be confused with his father, our second president.

The only prominent Americans of the 19th century with clean hands in the matter of slavery are probably Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth. And they were almost certainly not associated with the Democratic Party, which, let’s face it, was then the party of slavery.

“Presentism” ... mercilessl­y subjects history and historical figures to contempora­ry social enlightenm­ent. It is smug and self-satisfied.

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The Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, S.D., honoring four presidents, proved an affront to the Lakota Sioux, the original occupants of the Black Hills area. SCOTT OLSON, GETTY IMAGES
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