No statute of limitation­s on abuse victims’ anguish


LETTERS LETTERS@USATODAY.COM Fifteen months is a slap on the hand for

a man who admitted to abusing boys as a trusted coach before serving as House speaker for almost a decade. The sentence that Dennis Hastert received Wednesday will never give back the lives he stole and emotional wellbeing he destroyed (“‘Serial molester’ Hastert sentenced,” News, Thursday).

Mercy should be rendered to those who cared enough not to repeat their heinous crimes, and not to a man who tried everything, including paying off one victim who was reportedly 14 years old when Hastert molested him, to avoid exposure. Camille Lombardi-Olive Galena, Mo.

Is the purpose of prison to punish or

to remove people temporaril­y from society so they can reform? It appears Dennis Hastert has reformed already.

In John’s Gospel, Jesus was addressed by a group of men who had trapped a woman in adultery. They said that under Jewish law, they could stone her to death. Jesus said he who was without sin should cast the first stone. The group dispersed, and Jesus said to the woman, “Where are they (who) condemn you? ... Go and sin no more.” We should imitate this philosophy wherever possible. Patrick Murphy Aurora, Ill.


If his victims had wanted him to serve a long sentence, they would have come forward decades ago when Hastert would have been able to serve one. Now, even 15 months might be a life sentence. Christophe­r Jay Campbell

I agree on the punishment, but it’s sad the neighbors and families missed the signs of abuse. He only had to plead guilty to a banking violation, and banking violations do not carry a life sentence. Jewel Wyrick

This quote says it all: “While in Congress, Hastert said repeat child molesters should go to jail for the rest of their lives” (“Sentence Dennis Hastert to prison: Our view,”, April 26). Pam Farris


We asked what our followers thought of a judge sentencing former House speaker Dennis Hastert to 15 months in prison for banking violations linked to child molestatio­n. It’s too bad the statute of limitation­s had run out. He should be in prison for the rest of his life. @kipjmooney Hastert leaves behind a life of destroying lives, and it’s what he’ll be remembered for. He has to live with that. @JeffOstach Is this a real question? Not nearly long enough. Sickening on so many levels. @sbanawan Hastert reportedly abused at least five boys. Now, justice has caught up with him. @PrayerPeac­e Only 15 months. Are you kidding me? That is a green light license to the pedophiles to go after children. @ paulmcclin­tock For more, follow @USATOpinio­n or #tellusatod­ay. Share your thoughts about race, justice, media. Submit photos or comments via Twitter using #policingth­eusa, email or call 540-739-2928.

 ?? TANNEN MAURY, EPA ?? Former House speaker Dennis Hastert in Chicago on Wednesday.
TANNEN MAURY, EPA Former House speaker Dennis Hastert in Chicago on Wednesday.

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