20th century organizati­on is obsolete in a 21st century world

- Michael Harris and Kenneth Garner Michael Harris is dean of the College of Public Service at Tennessee State University. Kenneth Garner is a visiting assistant professor at Kalamazoo College.

One of the more unusual topics of this very unusual election year has been the hitherto uncontrove­rsial issue of the U.S. commitment to NATO. Last month, Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump slammed NATO for being “obsolete.” This week, as he swept closer to the GOP nomination, he softened that to “outdated” but repeated his call for changes — including making allies pay more. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders similarly has argued that the United States should scale back its NATO commitment­s.

These ideas have drawn fierce criticism from the defense and foreign policy establishm­ents. Victor Davis Hanson, a historian at the Hoover Institute, acknowledg­ed the salience of Trump’s argument but then backflippe­d to argue for the organizati­on’s continued relevance anyway: “A powerful Russia will always have to be watched. A dynamic and headstrong Germany will always have to be integrated into some sort of military alliance. And the United States will always have a natural self-interest in pre-emptively keeping kindred Europeans from killing each other.”

SINCE 1949

Yet there are good reasons to take Trump’s and Sanders’ arguments seriously. On one level, NATO really is obsolete. It was establishe­d in 1949 to ensure the collective defense of Western Europe against the threat of a Soviet invasion. At the time, this did not seem like a particular­ly remote possibilit­y.

NATO succeeded in keeping Western Europe safe for more than 40 years, until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Then a curious thing happened: NATO both lost its rationale for existing and went through a dramatic expansion of member states.

As the Soviet sphere collapsed and Russia struggled with persistent economic malaise, the U.S. pushed through the admittance of Eastern European countries into NATO. By 2009, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary were members. So were the three Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — all of which, unlike other NATO members, have common borders with Russia.

Russian leaders have argued that in expanding NATO, U.S. leaders broke their promise to not exploit the Soviet collapse to extend NATO into Russia’s sphere of interest. Many foreign policy writers and journalist­s — consistent with the official Russian line — say Western efforts to bring Ukraine into NATO led to the prolonged political crisis and partial Russian occupation of that beleaguere­d country.


Now, NATO no longer has a clearly defined contempora­ry purpose. If anything, it has been the source of increasing friction.

Most important, it is incapable of dealing with the threats of the 21st century, especially terrorism. Collective defensive treaties are meant to ensure the safety of states against other states. They don’t provide an effective framework for confrontin­g non-state threats such as al- Qaeda and the Islamic State, which use guerrilla tactics rather than amassing armies on a nation’s borders.

Let’s call out NATO for what it is: a 20th century organizati­on adrift in a 21st century world. Instead of paying the majority share of its exorbitant costs, the U.S. should shift more of the burden to its NATO partners and transition to a more flexible defensive system. NATO should be phased out and replaced by bi- or multilater­al arrangemen­ts between America and different countries.

Under NATO, defense defines the nature of U.S. relations with the other 27 member countries. A phaseout would allow a greater role for diplomatic relations where appropriat­e. Some countries might need more military assurance than others. Estonia and Latvia, for instance, could have greater defensive needs against Russian incursion than France.

By reducing the financial burdens of NATO, America also would be freer to develop and strengthen partnershi­ps in the Middle East, where Russian involvemen­t in Syria marks a new challenge, and in the Pacific, where North Korea and China remain concerns. Finally, phasing out NATO would signal to Russia that the U.S. and Western Europe were no longer attempting to encroach on its interests.

Renegotiat­ing our alliance system will better reflect U.S. economic reality and allow us to better handle an increasing­ly complex world. We need to be able to grapple with tomorrow’s problems unburdened by the legacies of yesteryear.

 ?? PETRAS MALUKAS, AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? The flags of the United States and NATO, which was created in 1949 and comprises 28 member countries.
PETRAS MALUKAS, AFP/GETTY IMAGES The flags of the United States and NATO, which was created in 1949 and comprises 28 member countries.

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