For NFL draftees, big contracts and big health risks


By the time the NFL draft ends Saturday, more than 250 young men will have been ushered into pro football with hugs from the commission­er and the promise of riches, fame and perhaps even a Super Bowl ring. They’ll be able to play a game they love and make enormous sums doing it.

One issue clouds their bright futures — and the future of the NFL: the potential for life-altering changes to their brains.

Evidence has been mounting for a decade, in labs and in reallife tragedies, that successive exposure to head hits is linked to a degenerati­ve brain disease called chronic traumatic encephalop­athy, or CTE. The most convincing science comes from researcher­s in Boston, who have found CTE in 88 of 92 of the deceased former NFL players studied.

Human tragedies — the suicides of Hall of Fame linebacker Junior Seau in 2012 and former Chicago Bears safety Dave Duerson in 2011 — have driven home CTE’s devastatin­g effects. Symptoms include depression and memory loss, and often mimic dementia and Alzheimer’s but can strike men in their prime.

Researcher­s confirmed that Seau, 43, and Duerson, 50, both had CTE.

After fighting reality for years, the NFL last month publicly acknowledg­ed that football and CTE are “certainly” linked.

To its credit, even before that admission, the league changed rules, added medical personnel, and imposed fines and even suspension­s for violent plays that might have been shrugged off a few years ago. Under its “concussion protocol,” players are no longer rushed back into games prematurel­y. All good.

But the focus on concussion­s tends to obscure the bigger picture: This disease is not just about concussion­s. Cumulative, unspectacu­lar “subconcuss­ive” hits that some players suffer day in, day out are associated with CTE. According to a Frontline report last year, 40% of players testing positive for CTE were offensive or defensive linemen, the players most likely to suffer repetitive hits.

CTE is not expected in people without a history of exposure to repetitive head trauma, and for now doctors can’t say how prevalent it is in NFL players. But research, which has found CTE in men who have played only college or even high school football, suggests what common sense does: Getting hit in the head repeatedly, especially at a young age, is hazardous to your health.

Football itself is starting to see some real-life impact. A handful of younger players, including San Francisco 49ers linebacker Chris Borland, have retired early.

Concussion­s, head impacts and CTE are now part of the nation’s conversati­on. If the NFL wants to remain America’s sport, it will need to fund even more research, including research that might come up with answers it doesn’t like. It will need to penalize head shots even more harshly. It will have to see whether different equipment and tackling techniques can make the game safer.

Ultimately, it will need to own up to the truth about the game’s inherent violence and make sure that draftees enter the league with their eyes wide open about the risks they face.

 ?? KIICHIRO SATO, AP ?? NFL draft prospects play in Chicago on Wednesday.
KIICHIRO SATO, AP NFL draft prospects play in Chicago on Wednesday.

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