I condemn all forms of violence


Excerpts from a statement Bernie Sanders issued Tuesday about the chaos at the Nevada Democratic Convention:

It is imperative that the Democratic leadership, both nationally and in the states, understand that the political world is changing and that millions of Americans are outraged at establishm­ent politics and establishm­ent economics. The people of this country want a government which represents all of us, not just the 1%, super PACs and wealthy campaign contributo­rs.

The Democratic Party has a choice. It can open its doors and welcome into the party people who are prepared to fight for real economic and social change — people who are willing to take on Wall Street, corporate greed and a fossil fuel industry which is destroying this planet. Or the party can choose to maintain its status quo structure, remain dependent on big-money campaign contributi­ons and be a party with limited participat­ion and limited energy.

Within the last few days, there have been a number of criticisms made against my campaign organizati­on. Party leaders in Nevada, for example, claim that the Sanders cam- paign has a “penchant for violence.” That is nonsense.

Our campaign has held giant rallies all across this country, including in high-crime areas, and there have been zero reports of violence. Our campaign of course believes in non-violent change, and it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individual­s.

But, when we speak of violence, I should add here that months ago, during the Nevada campaign, shots were fired into my campaign office in Nevada, and apartment housing complex my campaign staff lived in was broken into and ransacked.

If the Democratic Party is to be successful in November, it is imperative that all state parties treat our campaign supporters with fairness and the respect that they have earned. I am happy to say that has been the case at state convention­s in Maine, Alaska, Colorado and Hawaii, where good discussion­s were held and democratic decisions were reached.

Unfortunat­ely, that was not the case at the Nevada convention. At that convention, the Democratic leadership used its power to prevent a fair and transparen­t process from taking place.

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