She made history, but people still don’t like her


Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Democratic Party’s nomination for president of the United States Tuesday, making her the first woman to lead a major party ticket.

Congratula­tions to our next president, Clinton! William Garbonzo

It’s official: The Democratic nominee is a corrupt, “extremely careless” liar. Let’s celebrate! Aaron Bowen

Nothing can stop the coronation of Clinton. No scandal. No lie. Having a corrupt woman in America in the Oval Office is a maniacal obsession with leftists. They don’t care at all about what happens to America. Art DeMartini

I hope Jill Stein of the Green Party gets a bump in the polls from this. Clinton and the Democratic Party betrayed Sen. Bernie Sanders’ supporters. Why stay in a party that clearly does not want you, and will not accomplish anything in that non-binding party platform it has? Clinton will not give Sanders supporters anything if she is elected president. Choosing Tim Kaine, over someone more progressiv­e, for vice president is all the proof you need. David Groner

I am so sick and tired of hearing people complain about Clinton. She got more votes than Sanders and she won the nomination fair and square, so stop the complainin­g and whining. When Clinton lost to President Obama in 2008, she got behind him. Now that Sanders has lost, his supporters need to do the same for her. No excuses. Just do the right thing and shut up. Cornell Davis

Bill Clinton gave an emotional and inspiring speech. Not something silly like going to build a wall in Benghazi out of emails. Abraham Washington

For the first time in the history of the United States, a woman was nominated to be president. You go girl! Walt Stasinski

Now, if only the Democrats would nominate a woman with integrity. Mark Smith

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