Turning 50 with style

‘With open arms,’ actress welcomes a new milestone

- Bryan Alexander @BryAlexand USA TODAY

Halle Berry greets the milestone with open arms

Halle Berry is welcoming life at 50 and letting the world know it.

When the actress and former Bond girl reached that milestone birthday Aug. 14, she posted a stunning outdoor shot on her Instagram account, in which she wears little more than a lace cover-up and a big smile.

“With open arms I welcome 50 … I’m so blessed to be here,” Berry wrote in the post.

It’s a message that Berry wants to continue to send out on social media. That’s why she chose the photo, taken on a recent vacation in the desert, to mark the occasion.

“I said, ‘What do I want to say about my 50th birthday?’ ” Berry told USA TODAY. “I’m now into the whole world of social media and realizing that it’s my platform to say whatever I want to say. I love it. So I just wanted to let every one of my fans know I am embracing 50.”

Friends had been warning Berry about the birthday in tones of dread rather than celebratio­n.

For the last year, “people have said to me: ‘You’re turning 50. Oh, God. How does that make you feel?’ ” Berry says. “Well, I feel great. I’ve never been defined by a number or my age. And I’ve never felt better.”

Nor looked better, judging by Berry’s Instagram account, which she launched in March with a thoughtful, au naturel pose — a rear view of her walking through the forest, seemingly topless. Expect more shots like this as her year-long celebratio­n continues.

“This whole year is going to be about 50. My Instagram is going to be blown up with what 50 looks like, feels like, thinks like,” Berry says. “It’s going to be a ‘50 year’ for me and I cannot wait.” Berry will have her action thriller Kidnap out this winter and has shot the sequel for Kingsman: The Golden Circle (in theaters June 16, 2017). The former gymnast did her share of stunt work in Kidnap, holding onto a moving car and wielding a shovel. She’s game for more action roles in the future.

“Action has always been in my wheelhouse,” says Berry, who stars as Storm in the X-Men franchise. “Anytime I get to do anything physical, be part of the real action and do my own stunts, I just love it.”

Off set, Berry finds fulfillmen­t in her children Nahla, 8, and Maceo, 2. (Berry and Olivier Martinez announced their divorce in October.) She celebrated her birthday in a low-key family way: “It wasn’t about a party, it was about being with the ones you love.”

The Oscar-winning actress took stock of where she is in her life.

“I’m so much wiser today. I feel stronger, I’ve survived a lot. And that’s a good feeling. It’s a great place to be. I’m lucky enough and blessed enough to arrive to it.”

 ?? FILMMAGIC, FOR MTV JEFF KRAVITZ, ?? At the AOL MAKERS conference in February in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., far left, and at the MTV Movie Awards in April in Burbank, Calif.
FILMMAGIC, FOR MTV JEFF KRAVITZ, At the AOL MAKERS conference in February in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., far left, and at the MTV Movie Awards in April in Burbank, Calif.

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