Black voters would be wise to go Republican



The black community should return to the

party started to liberate and elevate it.

The first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, ended slavery. Confederat­e Democrats gave their lives to expand slavery, and Union Republican­s gave their lives to end it. The 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, was supported by 100% of Republican­s and only 23% of Democrats. The 14th Amendment, which gave citizenshi­p to freed slaves, was supported by 94% of Republican­s and 0% of Democrats. The 15th Amendment, which gave freed black men the right to vote, was supported by 100% Republican­s and 0% Democrats.

Democrats are the party of George Wallace, Bull Conner, black codes and Jim Crow laws, while Republican­s championed civil rights acts in the 1960s.

Democrats supported the Ku Klux Klan in order to stop the Republican Party by intimidati­ng and murdering thousands of black and white Republican­s. Martin Luther King ’s father himself was a Republican.

Has Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society entitlemen­t state helped or harmed the black community? Cities like Milwaukee, Chicago, Baltimore and D.C. have some of the highest black unemployme­nt and murder rates, and have been run exclusivel­y by Democrats for the last 50 years.

Democrats shamelessl­y exploit minorities for votes, assigning victimhood and hopeless dependency. Republican­s believe in the unlimited potential of every individual.

Think before voting. Bob Woeber Jr. Venetia, Pa.


Donald Trump asks what do we have to lose? How about everything blacks have gained in the last 50 years? This had nothing to do with appealing to blacks, it’s about appealing to suburban white voters who don’t want to feel like bigots by voting for Trump. Michael Martin

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