Trump pushes privatizat­ion as Clinton favors pragmatism

- Gregg Zoroya @greggzoroy­a

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are bitterly divided on nearly every issue, but there’s one hot-button topic on which they largely agree: helping veterans.

Both candidates call for a “21st-century” agency, promise to expand employment opportunit­ies for jobless or underemplo­yed veterans and focus on the needs of female vets, such as hiring more obstetrici­ans and gynecologi­sts at VA hospitals.

The two favor more accountabi­lity at the Department of Veterans Affairs, which has been tarred by complaints about long waits for medical appointmen­ts and a scandal over falsified records.

“They both want to be on the right side of this thing, and it is a complex issue,” said Raymond Kelley, national legislativ­e director for the 1.3-million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).

“There’s been huge progress on simply getting the candidates to focus on veterans’ issues,” said Paul Rieckhoff, founder and CEO of Iraq and Afghanista­n Veterans of America.

The strongest difference, veteran advocates say, is in the area of buying private-sector health care for VA patients.

Trump would essentiall­y remove the agency from a veteran’s medical decisions, allowing anyone eligible for VA care to visit any private doctor at the government’s expense so long as the physician accepts Medicare.

“Donald Trump is the only one that has got real reform and the bold ideas that need to be invoked in order to change the way veterans are treated by their federal government,” said Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and a key adviser in shaping the campaign’s VA positions.

Veterans — many of whom want more choice but remain protective of the VA — have taken notice. “He right now has the most aggressive position on privatizat­ion we’ve seen in the modern era,” Rieckhoff said.

Clinton would largely retain the current system, calling for “strategica­lly” purchasing private services “when it makes sense to do so” for certain medical specialtie­s or timely care.

That view is in line with veteran organizati­ons such as the VFW. Kelley said the group favors purchasing private care for veterans to ensure timely treatment, but the VFW believes overall management of each veteran’s health care should remain with the VA. “Veterans’ health care conditions are often much more complex than a regular civilian’s and trying to coordinate all that on your own is a rough propositio­n,” Kelley said.

VFW officials regularly consult with both campaigns and hoped Trump would ease, at their urging, his position on widespread purchase of private-sector medical care, Kelley said. The Trump campaign says that remains a key position.

Veteran issues have achieved a prominence in this presidenti­al race not seen in previous campaigns. Both candidates addressed the VFW’s convention in July and will speak at the American Legion convention this month. They will appear at a first-ever forum Sept. 7 held by Iraq and Afghanista­n Veterans of America, which counts 187,000 veterans as members.

The VA is the second-largest federal bureaucrac­y — after the Pentagon — and struggles to provide prompt care to many of the 6 million veterans who are patients. In 2014, an uproar over ap- pointment records falsified to conceal long wait times forced the VA secretary to resign and led Congress to approve a $15 billion overhaul. Even so, the number of veterans waiting 30 days or longer for a doctor has increased since that legislatio­n passed in 2014 — to more than a half-million veterans.

Despite their focus on VA improvemen­ts, Trump and Clinton each has run afoul of veterans during the campaign. Clinton drew criticism last October when she said the VA wait-time scandal had “not been as widespread as it has been made out to be.” Her campaign clarified that she was “outraged” by what happened at the VA.

Trump drew fire from several veterans groups for his critical remarks about the Democratic National Convention appearance of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, parents of a U.S. soldier who died in combat in Iraq. The VFW issued a rare rebuke of a presidenti­al candidate, saying, “To ridicule a Gold Star mother is out of bounds.”

Veterans groups analyzing the speeches and positions of the two candidates say both advocate many similar changes.

Both wrestle with the thorny issue of accountabi­lity and firing corrupt employees, particular­ly in the wake of the scandal in 2014. A new law aimed at correcting this is pending in Congress.

“They’re both talking about VA reform. That’s good to hear,” Rieckhoff said. “But we’ve got to hear details. Saying you’re going to clean up the VA is like saying you’re going to clean up Washington. It’s the new political pander line. ... How are you actually going to do that?”

“They both want to be on the right side of this thing, and it is a complex issue.” Raymond Kelley, VFW’s national legislativ­e director

 ?? DAVID GOLDMAN, AP ?? Veterans’ issues have taken a central role in this year’s presidenti­al campaign.
DAVID GOLDMAN, AP Veterans’ issues have taken a central role in this year’s presidenti­al campaign.
 ?? RICH PEDRONCELL­I, AP ?? The VA, the second-largest federal bureaucrac­y after the Pentagon, struggles to serve 6 million veterans.
RICH PEDRONCELL­I, AP The VA, the second-largest federal bureaucrac­y after the Pentagon, struggles to serve 6 million veterans.

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