Only months since last milestone, Facebook nabs 4M advertiser­s

Social media giant hit 3 million in March

- Jessica Guynn @jguynn USA TODAY

Facebook now has 4 million advertiser­s, an increase of 33% in the past seven months that’s powered by more small businesses trying to reach customers, particular­ly on their mobile devices.

“The story is basically about the movement to mobile,” Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, told USA TODAY.

The sharp increase in the number of advertiser­s is an impressive milestone that escalates competitio­n with Google, which has traditiona­lly drawn big dollars from small businesses in the lucrative search advertisin­g market.

Facebook advertiser­s range from household names to momand-pop operations, but the growth is coming from small businesses. Facebook is aggressive­ly promoting itself to these firms, providing free pages and services to manage their digital presence in hopes of turning them into paid advertiser­s.

In March, it announced 3

million advertiser­s, up 50% from 2 million in February 2015. Facebook said it reached 1 million advertiser­s in June 2013.

“Facebook’s growth to 4 million advertiser­s is an enormous accomplish­ment, especially coming so quickly on the heels of its 3 million advertiser milestone,” eMarketer analyst Debra Aho Williamson said. “Facebook is an indispensa­ble advertisin­g tool for many advertiser­s.”

Mobile use has accelerate­d adoption among small businesses, especially overseas, where more than 70% of Facebook advertiser­s operate. The fastestgro­wing region is Southeast Asia, the company said.

“People are spending more time on their phones, more engagement on their phones, doing more things on their phones, and the phones can do more. They can do video, they can do 360 photos,” Sandberg said. “Businesses are really understand­ing that they need to be where people are, which is on their mobile phone.”

More than 90% of Facebook’s users are on mobile devices, where Facebook makes most of its advertisin­g revenue.

Advertisin­g on mobile devices accounted for 84% of Facebook’s $6.2 billion in advertisin­g sales in the second quarter. Revenue from mobile ads rose 80% in that quarter.

Four out of 10 Facebook advertiser­s have created a Facebook ad on mobile, and two in 10 have created video ads, the company said.

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