Clinton Millennial lead narrows Susan Page and Karina Shedrofsky

Poll shows 6-point drop for Democrat, but Trump gains very little


Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump among Millennial­s, while still massive, has narrowed as the presidenti­al election heads into its final stretch, a USA TODAY/Rock the Vote Millennial Poll finds.

In the space of just two weeks, Clinton’s support among likely voters 18 to 34 dropped 6 percentage points, to 62% from 68%, between early October and late October. Trump’s support edged up 1 point in the survey, taken last week before the FBI announceme­nt Friday of new emails found in the investigat­ion into Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of State.

Clinton continues to have a huge advantage over Trump among younger voters, but the findings reinforce questions about whether she can count on Millennial­s — a crucial part of President Obama’s electoral coalition — to turn out to vote in a contest that seems to be tightening and has been thrown into new turmoil.

“I was kind of a Bernie (Sanders) supporter, but that’s not happening anymore, so I’ve got to suck it up,” says Anastasia Van Ryck Degroot, 21, a student from Hoboken, N.J., who was among those surveyed. In a follow-up phone interview, she says she has gotten more enthusiast­ic about backing Clinton after watching the presidenti­al debates, and she has ruled out the alternativ­e.

“Trump is a menace to society.”

Clinton does hold some powerful weapons with Millennial­s that Trump lacks: influentia­l friends.

President Obama’s endorsemen­t was rated as “very important” by 34% of those surveyed, including 54% of Democrats. The embrace of Sanders, the Vermont senator whose presidenti­al bid in the Democratic primaries was fueled by his strength among younger voters, was seen as very important by 26%, including 43% of those who had backed him.

“His blessing towards Hillary Clinton made me feel more than I should vote for her,” says Jonathan Richards, 26, a personal assistant from Westbury, on New York’s Long Island. “If he trusted her, then I could.”

India Alcorn, 25, a stay-athome mother from Florida’s Spring Hill, north of Tampa, was less convinced. “It seemed very forced, almost,” she says of Sanders’ endorsemen­t of Clinton. She’s still undecided.

“I’m terrified of Trump and terrified of Hillary, so it’s kind of in-between on them. I don’t know which one is the lesser evil, basically.”

She hesitates to cast her ballot for her preferred candidate, Libertaria­n Gary Johnson. “It’s not good that it comes down to voting for a third party,” she frets, “only because people say third party is kind of pointless and all that.”

Trump continues to show historic weakness among younger voters, backed by 21%. And he doesn’t have the advantage of being able to deploy surrogates with sway. The endorsemen­t of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s most outspoken supporters, was rated as “very important” by just 10% of younger Americans.

That influence was dwarfed by the power of parents (“very important” for 31%) and friends (26%).

What’s more, despite declaratio­ns at campaign rallies appealing for support from African Americans, Trump is backed by only 6% of black Millennial­s who are likely to vote, another historic low. He is supported by 19% of Latinos.

The poll of 1,299 young adults, taken Oct. 24-27 by Ipsos Public Affairs, included an over-sample of racial minorities and Hispanics to provide statistica­lly significan­t data for a breakdown of presidenti­al support.

The online poll has a credibilit­y interval, akin to a margin of error, of +/-3.5 percentage points for the full sample and +/-5.5 points for the subsample of 668 likely voters.

Among Millennial­s likely to vote, Clinton leads Trump among whites by more than 2-1, 57%27%. But her yawning Millennial margin comes from her 14-1 support among African Americans (84%-6%); 4-1 support among Asian Americans (67%-15%) and 3-1 support among Latinos (66%-19%).

Her lopsided support among minority and Hispanic Millennial­s mirrors her strength among those demographi­c groups in the electorate generally. But white Millennial­s are much more likely to support her than their elders. In the latest USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll, released last week, Clinton trailed Trump among white likely voters overall 41% to 45%.

There’s another way Millennial voting patterns differ from the electorate at large. Among all voters, Clinton has built a solid lead among women while the divide among men is close. But in this survey, as in the four previous polls in the USA TODAY/Rock the Vote series this year, men younger than 35 are much more likely to support Clinton than their female counterpar­ts: 56% of younger men compared with 43% of younger women.

“I went back and forth for a while” between Clinton and Trump, says Natalie Spencer, 24, an IT worker from Rockville, Md., just outside Washington.

She was interested in Obama’s endorsemen­t but has settled on supporting Trump because of questions about Clinton’s honesty.

“It just seems sketchy to have someone like that for president,” she says of the former secretary of State.

“Hillary Clinton is a liar and Donald Trump is, you know,” says Marcus Reynolds, 32, who clerks at a grocery store in Detroit. “But I’m for Hillary Clinton because I’m a Democrat to my heart ... and because Clinton to me is more qualified.”

 ?? JAY LAPRETE, AP ?? Hillary Clinton takes a selfie with young supporters at Fort Hayes Vocational School in Columbus, Ohio, in June.
JAY LAPRETE, AP Hillary Clinton takes a selfie with young supporters at Fort Hayes Vocational School in Columbus, Ohio, in June.

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