FBI gives Trump election lifeline

Weekend polls show tighter race in pivotal states like Fla., N.C.

- David Jackson @djusatoday USA TODAY

Late in the election, Donald Trump got a lifeline courtesy of the FBI.

Friday’s stunning announceme­nt that FBI agents are reviewing new informatio­n about Hillary Clinton’s private email use has emboldened Trump and aides who say the Nov. 8 election should be about the character of the Democratic nominee.

“We have one ultimate check on Hillary’s corruption, and that is the power of the vote,” Trump told supporters Sunday at a rally in Las Vegas.

The New York businessma­n also claimed momentum has shifted in his favor, tweeting that “we are now leading in many polls, and many of these were taken before the criminal investigat­ion announceme­nt on Friday — great in states!”

The FBI did not announce a “criminal investigat­ion” — and most polls still give Clinton a lead — but FBI Director James Comey’s letter to congressio­nal leaders about a review of new informatio­n has roiled the election in ways that campaigns, pollsters and analysts are still trying to assess.

Republican consultant Bruce Haynes, founding partner of Washington-based Purple Strategies, said the FBI “bombshell” potentiall­y “reframes the election as a referendum on Clinton and all the baggage she brings into office with her.”

Clinton and her aides, meanwhile, raised a fairness issue, stressing that Comey did not specify what his agents are looking at and issued only a vague statement on a Friday afternoon just 11 days before an election.

Campaign chairman John Podesta, speaking on CNN’s State of

the Union, said his team doesn’t know what new documents Comey is talking about, and he at least thought “it would explain if he thinks they’re significan­t or not significan­t. ... Let him come forward and say why.”

Trump reveled in the news throughout the weekend, telling supporters it underscore­s his claims of Clinton “corruption,” ranging from the ex-secretary of State’s handling of classified informatio­n to claims of “pay to play” involving the Clinton Foundation and her State Department.

During his rally in Las Vegas, Trump pointed out that the FBI announceme­nt stemmed from another investigat­ion, this one into allegation­s that former U.S. representa­tive Anthony Weiner sexted a 15-year-old girl. Weiner is the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin; the couple are now separated.

“We never thought we were going to say thank you to Anthony Weiner,” Trump told backers.

Associates of the Republican nominee said the FBI news also speaks to doubts that voters have about Clinton.

“I think they’ve also come to the conclusion that Hillary Clinton is a risky choice to be the next president of the United States,” Trump running mate Mike Pence said on NBC’s Meet the Press.

In July, Comey announced that the bureau would not pursue charges against Clinton and that the FBI found no evidence of intentiona­l mishandlin­g of classified informatio­n. Trump and other Republican­s criticized Comey for that decision.

Speaking to supporters Saturday, Clinton said Comey now owes an explanatio­n about his October letter to Congress: “It is pretty strange — it’s pretty strange — to put something like that out with such little informatio­n right before an election,” she said. “In fact, it is not just strange: It is unpreceden­ted and deeply troubling.”

Podesta told reporters: “Just to recap and put this in perspectiv­e, there’s no evidence of wrongdoing, no charge of wrongdoing, no indication that this is even about Hillary.”

The Republican team sees the FBI news as a potential turning point in a race that seemed to be slipping away from Trump just a few days ago. A series of polls last week gave Clinton solid leads over Trump, both nationally and in battlegrou­nd states he needs to win in order to amass the 270 electoral votes needed for victory.

Polls over the weekend — including ones with questions asked before the FBI announceme­nt — showed a tighter race, including in such pivotal states as North Carolina and Florida.

Texas-based political consultant Matt Mackowiak said continued news stories about Clinton will benefit Trump and Republican congressio­nal candidates. Mackowiak said Clinton probably remains the favorite — she “has a better path to 270 electoral votes” — but “there is much greater uncertaint­y and volatility today than there was Friday morning.”

Democrats, meanwhile, sought to rally their voters in light of the new developmen­ts.

The Campaign for America’s Future/Institute for America’s Future, which describes itself as “the strategy center for the progressiv­e movement,” told backers in a fundraisin­g e-mail Sunday that Trump “has closed the gap with Hillary Clinton,” and the “trend goes one place, and it’s not good.”

Urging supporters to get themselves and others to the polls, the e-mail said that “this election will be won on the ground.”

Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, said early polling since Friday reflects “a slight dent” in Clinton’s lead nationally, but it’s not clear if it will shift results in states that generate electoral votes.

A loss of Clinton votes could help Republican­s in congressio­nal races and other down-ballot contests, Murray said.

“The news has energized his supporters” Murray said of Trump.

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