Trump was terrible while campaining, who cares?



After losing the presidenti­al election, Hillary Clinton received a better “grade” for how she conducted herself during the campaign than President-elect Donald Trump, according to a Pew Research Center poll.

Trump lost the popular vote by almost 2 million. He’s just another George W. Bush phony who will never have the respect of the American people. Trump’s 46% approval rating is ridiculous. President Obama and Bill Clinton had more than 60% approval ratings after winning the popular vote — and Obama still has a 54% approval rating now. Michael Alston

Who cares? Just get something done in Washington instead of worrying about whose feelings get hurt. We have turned into a nation of whimpy idiots who rely on the authoritie­s to save them.

You gotta break some eggs if you want to make an omelette. Ric Sheridan

Clinton is the personific­ation of evil and dishonesty. Her total disregard for the law should scare anyone. Clinton lost because people do not trust her and rightly so. Kenneth Lynch

I have to accept Trump’s election, because due process took place. But what I take exception to is his newfound, revisionis­t attitude and approach.

Trump was just a terrible person throughout his campaign — and I don’t condone Clinton’s rhetoric either. But to say the things that he said during the campaign and now decide to act “presidenti­al” seems disingenuo­us at best and hypocritic­al at worst. Michael Anthony Shea

You can not redo Obama’s eight years of failures in office or Clinton’s years of failure in Washington. Liberals, deal with the Trump victory and try to figure out how under Obama, Democrats lost the House and Senate. We lived through eight crappy years of the far left, now liberals can handle Trump. Grow up. Doug Steltenpoh­l


We asked our followers for their recommenda­tions for President-elect Donald Trump’s appointmen­ts.

Appoint people who can do the job; do not reward loyalty to anyone. This is a country, not a boardroom. Trump serves us, not himself. @305Pirate

Rational people who want to protect our environmen­t, our Social Security, our civil rights, our diversity. @Jadzia7667

I would recommend to the president-elect to consider someone other than a white male septuagena­rian. @Philosopho­s13

Stay the course and keep bringing people on board who will do the job that needs to be done, rather than following party orders! @tab91787

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