Enjoy the win while it lasts, environmen­talists


On Sunday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied an easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross Lake Oahe, blocking completion of the controvers­ial project.

I don’t have anything against the building of the pipeline, but it’s the Native Americans’ land, and if they don’t want the pipeline there, businesses should respect that.

American Indians have gotten run over enough already. John Morgan

This is not the end. Do you think President-elect Donald Trump will let this happen? He will overturn this when he takes office. Vedo Espinoza

As a veteran myself, I’m absolutely ashamed of those veterans who ran off to prevent this pipeline, while out of the other side of their mouth they complain of being sent to foreign nations to “fight and die for oil.”

Next time they send you to the Middle East, just remember you stopped the peaceful endeavor of oil from our own continent from flowing! Lance Cole

Thanks to our veterans and Native Americans. Enjoy your victory and your clean water.

We are lucky Trump’s not in office yet. He would have sold us out and betrayed us in a New York minute. Richard Cramer

It’s insane on its own merits to build an oil pipeline across the main aquifer of that area. One breach and that water supply is gone! For once, common sense won over greed.

However, I expect Trump to change it and build the pipelines across the lake anyway. Jonathan Scott Spicer

Maybe big businesses need to understand that permission and easements are something they need, instead of just expecting to be able to bully their way through. Lyle Bialk

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