Obama’s legacy will be one of war and terrorism


I don’t think Obama had a foreign policy set in place to fight terror.

He did in the U.S., though, which I believe was to promote terror by bringing in a large number of refugees. Thomas Davis

Obama believes that his weak response to terrorism is a solution. All it has done is embolden terrorists, allowing them to grow and undermine the safety of this country. Lou Creola

Thanks to Obama’s strategy, the Islamic State of terrorism is losing, badly, and we’re minimizing anything that terrorists could use as tools to recruit more people to their efforts.

Terrorists are not emboldened. They would like nothing more than for the West to characteri­ze this as an all-out war on Islam because that would push Muslims into their corner. Josh McNeill

What we are doing now seems like putting a finger on a leaky pipe. Thus, I don’t think we should be the only country fighting terrorism at the level that we are.

I think we should be generally keeping terrorism out of the U.S. President Obama gave an optimistic assessment of the campaign against terror on Tuesday, thanking U.S. troops for their help in “breaking the back” of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

When countries like Russia and China join us in fighting terrorism with the same intensity the U.S. is, then a more direct approach would be good. Bruce Mort

For the president who said he was going to end all of the wars the U.S. was actively participat­ing in, how can Obama’s time in office be seen as anything but a failure? Chad Clausen

All those immigrants entering Europe are a byproduct of terrorism, which was not dealt with under Obama’s watch.

Terrorism has, can and will result in a major cultural displaceme­nt, which will threaten world order, especially when there is a leadership vacuum abroad. Steven Ernest Cullen

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