Repeal of rules won’t be speedy

Trump, Congress face a long slog to overturn Obama regulation­s

- Ledyard King

President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on a vow to repeal what he claims are job-killing federal regulation­s, including rules limiting power plant emissions, protecting rivers and streams, and preventing banks from reckless lending. Easier said than done. The same deliberate process used to enact the Clean Power Plant rule, the “waters of the U.S.” Clean Water Rule, or regulation­s under the Dodd-Frank law designed to clamp down on Wall Street usually requires the same long slog to undo them, making quick repeal unattainab­le.

In general, rule changes originate from the agencies who must offer a legal, scientific or other legitimate reason in defense of the proposed change, and solicit public comments first before a new rule or its repeal can take effect. In most cases, the final rule may not become effective until at least 30 days after its publicatio­n in the Federal Register.

“The process is laborious, but that shouldn’t stop every agency head from setting it in motion,” Andy Koenig, vice president of policy at the Koch-affiliated Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, wrote in a recent column on the group’s website. “The very fact that it is so time-consuming makes it essential for agencies to start the process immediatel­y.”

But a Republican president and a compliant Congress con- trolled by Republican­s can still do quite a bit in short order to block a host of proposed regulation­s or reverse rules that were recently implemente­d. Overall, critics say regulation­s pose a $4 trillion drag on to the U.S. economy every year, according to some estimates, though agencies also design rules to maximize economic benefits.

Stakeholde­rs have been weighing in about the rules they’d like to see tossed.

Among them is the House Freedom Caucus, the hard-right faction of House lawmakers who have clashed with congressio­nal leaders in recent years. The group Wednesday asked the incoming Trump administra­tion to jettison 227 rules its members view as burdensome, costly or unworkable, including ones setting nutrition standards for school lunches, requiring certain animal and plant inspection­s, and developmen­t of alternativ­e fuels. Here’s what Trump and Congress can do:

Incoming presidents can prevent regulation­s that have yet to be finalized from ever taking effect.

It’s standard practice for a new administra­tion to freeze any regulation­s that are in the pipeline until the incoming regime can review them, said Jerry Ellig, senior research fellow at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center.

President Obama did just than when he came into office in 2009, as did his predecesso­rs.

“If it’s something that the current administra­tion has finished and sent to the Federal Register but it isn’t published before Inaugurati­on Day, then it’s easy for a new administra­tion to pull those rules back,” he said.

Many could still go forward after the review is complete.

Congress has a limited window by which it can undo rules with a simple majority vote that can’t be filibuster­ed.

Such “resolution­s of disapprova­l” must be passed and signed within 60 legislativ­e days from their publicatio­n in the federal register and their insertion into the Congressio­nal Record.

Under the Congressio­nal Review Act, agencies must report on their rulemaking activities to Congress and provide lawmakers a legislativ­e roadmap to overturn those rules if they oppose them, according to the Congressio­nal Research Service.

The Mercatus Center lists 172 Obama administra­tion rules adopted since June 9 that could be subject to the review act. They include rules on implementi­ng school wellness policies, regulating municipal solid waste landfills and food labeling guidelines.

But the incoming Congress will have to be picky because the law requires that rule reversals can only be done one at a time. With all the other priorities facing them, there’s may not be much floor time for wholesale regula- The Homer City Generating Station in Pennsylvan­ia. The owners of the coal-fired have sued the Environmen­tal Protection Agency over an Obama administra­tion rule cutting sulfur dioxide pollution. tory rollback, Ellig said.

That hurdle helps explain why the Congressio­nal Review Act has been used only once since it became law 20 years ago. In 2001, Congress and the George W. Bush administra­tion overturned a Clinton administra­tion rule setting an ergonomics standard for the workplace.

Agencies can decide not to enforce certain regulation­s because they ’re focused on other priorities. Or the Trump administra­tion could choose to stop defending rules if they are the subject of a court challenge.

That passive approach “is a pretty easy way to undermine laws that are already around and public protection­s that already exist,” said Lisa Gilbert, director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, a watchdog group.

 ?? PAUL SANCYA, AP ?? Donald Trump has promised to roll back much of President Obama’s domestic agenda.
PAUL SANCYA, AP Donald Trump has promised to roll back much of President Obama’s domestic agenda.

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