House GOP shouldn’t get a pass on ethics

- Christian Schneider Christian Schneider is a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs and a columnist for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, where this column first appeared.

Those believing Gilded Age chicanery to be a thing of the past were dealt a blow this week when literally, the first action the new House of Representa­tives undertook was to weaken an independen­t ethics panel charged with investigat­ing congressio­nal misconduct. After near universal public rebuke, the measure was pulled Tuesday. But the credit the House gets for yanking the plan shouldn’t outweigh the derision it earned for forwarding it in the first place.

Under the changes, the Office of Congressio­nal Ethics would have been placed under the purview of the lawmaker-controlled House Ethics Committee. Among other proposed limits, the new office would have been prevented from pursuing anonymous complaints against House members.

The move was so brazen, even ethically challenged Presidente­lect Donald Trump was moved to disapprove — of the timing, at least. “With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the independen­t ethics watchdog, as unfair as it may be, their No. 1 act and priority?” Trump tweeted.

If you make Trump look like the ethical platinum standard, you have done what his army of phony spokesmen could never accomplish. It’s the type of disrespect for the common voter that led working-class people to believe a man who rides to work in a golden elevator represent their best interests. (In opposing the ethics rule change, Trump actually joined convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, whose call for more strident investigat­ions is like Wile E. Coyote calling for a ban on selling exploding birdseed.)

And though the proposal has been booted, even proposing a mechanism to escape investigat­ion is detrimenta­l to the goals of what the GOP wants to accomplish. It is as if Republican­s in the House want to color everything they do with a “corruption” Snapchat filter.

Throughout the elections, Republican­s went to voters and told them all the important things that had to be done right away. Voters had to send conservati­ves to the Capitol to reform the tax code, repeal Obamacare, and strengthen immigratio­n limits. Yet the Republican­s’ first priority is to make sure they aren’t investigat­ed enough for Gilded Agestyle bribery?

Republican­s have a unique opportunit­y to forward positive bills that will alter the course of America. But now the question will always linger: “Exactly what are they doing that they didn’t think merited investigat­ion?”

Such questions could continue to impugn the public’s perception of Congress and give voters the idea that 19th century-style corruption is still afoot. Mark Twain once wrote of a fictional burglar named Murphy who complained to his local newspaper for reporting that he had “served one term in the penitentia­ry and also one in the U.S. Senate.”

“The latter statement is untrue and does me great injustice,” Murphy wrote.

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