Do better, GOP. How about 50 million lose insurance?


Twenty-two million fewer people would have health care coverage by 2026 under the overhaul bill being considered by the Senate, according to the Congressio­nal Budget Office. Plans for a vote this week have been delayed.

Come on, Republican­s, you can do better than that! Rewrite the bill to have 50 million lose their insurance. I’m sure Trump supporters would love that! They get a kick of seeing Americans die from preventabl­e, easily treated ailments.

Republican­s didn’t design this bill to help the insurance problems of the country. It was designed it to give the millionair­es more tax cuts! Daniel Hamilton

Eight years to properly craft an Affordable Care Act replacemen­t and this is the end result? Republican­s could not legislate themselves out of a paper bag! Joshua Galvoni

These 22 million people didn’t have insurance before Obamacare and won’t have insurance once Obamacare is repealed. The 22 million who got health care coverage under Obamacare did so under the backs of middle-class Americans who got stuck by paying significan­tly more in premiums. Where are the stories about that? Manoj Nampoothir­y

That’s 22 million for whom the rest of us will have to pay higher premiums and health care costs to cover their expenses when they go to the emergency room for even small reasons. Tom McConnell

The CBO prediction­s include people who were originally forced to buy coverage under Obamacare. This is the greatest possible indictment of Obamacare — the fact that millions of people would rather spend their money on something else besides health insurance. Christophe­r Jay Campbell

Back off, you whiny middleclas­s Americans who are worried of losing your house if one of your kids gets sick. Republican­s need the money they are taking it out of Medicaid and health care so they can give tax cuts to the wealthiest. Stop your whining, eat more carrots and hope for the best. Tom Miller

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