Weinstein 2020: He’s perfectly presidenti­al

Follow path blazed by Clinton, Trump, Moore

- Steven Strauss Steven Strauss, a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs, is a lecturer and visiting professor at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School.

Harvey Weinstein, despite being an accused sexual predator, is a talented guy — rich, manipulati­ve and very creative. Weinstein needs a new career, however, since he has been expelled from the entertainm­ent industry. With his skills, accomplish­ments and history of alleged sexual misconduct, he could have a brilliant future as a reality TV star, pundit and politician. This man is presidenti­al material.

Former president Bill Clinton was accused throughout his career of sexual misconduct ranging from inappropri­ate touching to rape. He paid almost $1 million to settle a sexual harassment claim. While president, Clinton had an affair with an intern young enough to be his daughter and lied about it. He was impeached and eventually disbarred because of his chicanery. None of this hurt Clinton with his political base. They viewed these allegation­s as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.

Even The New York Times isn’t bothered by Clinton’s failings. It recently asked him to review an important new biography of former president Ulysses S. Grant. Perhaps the newspaper has already penciled in Weinstein to review the next major book about the motion picture industry.

The great thing about tolerance for accused sexual predators in politics is that it’s bipartisan.

Like Clinton, President Trump has a history of allegation­s of sexual misconduct. He has been accused of adultery, sexual assault and inappropri­ate behavior (he has denied these charges). We even have a recording of Trump explaining his approach to romance (it involves grabbing women’s private parts). But Trump’s oh-so-proper evangelica­l base doesn’t mind any of this (like the progressiv­es who don’t mind Clinton’s behavior). That paragon of Christian virtue, Vice President Pence, is proud to stand with Trump.

In the race to the bottom of the barrel, Clinton and Trump now face tough competitio­n from Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for Senate in Alabama. He has been accused of dating teenagers, pursuing them at malls, molesting a 14-year-old and assaulting a 16-year-old — while he was in his 30s. Moore has denied these charges. As with Clinton and Trump, he asks us to believe they are all part of a political conspiracy. And he remains a viable political candidate.

If Clinton, Moore and Trump can succeed in politics, Weinstein can too!

Here’s my advice for Weinstein: Build a career in reality TV, punditry and politics. Follow the examples of Clinton, Moore and Trump about sexual misconduct charges. Attack the accusers and blame your political opponents. Promise the public bread and keep it entertaine­d with circuses.

Weinstein could follow Trump’s example and create a reality TV show. Maybe title it Sex Rehab with Harvey Weinstein, perhaps co-hosted by Julian Assange (some accusation­s against Assange suggest that he may need sex rehab). Maybe get CNN chief Jeff Zucker to orchestrat­e the comeback. As an NBC executive years ago, he was the force behind The Apprentice and the starring role that put Trump on the road to the White House.

In cable news talking-head appearance­s, Weinstein should follow Trump’s example: Promise everyone everything and tell American workers they’ve been cheated. Better yet — tell them they’ve been cheated by Trump and his gang of globalist Goldman Sachs hedge fund kleptocrat­s! Weinstein should also convince a presidenti­al kingmaker (Russia, China or North Korea) that a Weinstein presidency would be good for that country. Who knows, maybe Assange could help by leaking embarrassi­ng emails from Weinstein’s opponents.

As H.L. Mencken said, no one ever went broke underestim­ating the intelligen­ce of the American public. Welcome to the 21st century, where Hollywood has higher moral standards than the American people. How about this 2020 campaign slogan: “Weinstein — not the president America needs, but the president voters deserve.”

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