Trump meeting Kim should give us hope


President Trump’s announceme­nt that he will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un offers a glimpse of hope of brokering and achieving significan­t “peace” between North Korea and the U.S., as well as resolving the tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

Kim and the government of South Korea are credited (and commended) for initiating their own talks, which paved the way for this opportunit­y for a diplomatic breakthrou­gh. But any breakthrou­gh reached by Kim and Trump could hopefully lead to reunificat­ion of North and South Korea in the future. It can also have the potential of advancing the work to achieve nuclear disarmamen­t worldwide. Let us strive to work for peace in our world.

Anh Le

San Francisco

Kim got what he wanted: a sense of legitimacy by sharing an internatio­nal stage with a sitting U.S. president. But make no mistake, he has absolutely no intention of giving up his nuclear weapons.

The North Koreans have been studying Trump and decided to use his enormous ego to their advantage. This isn’t a meeting between two countries; it’s a contest between two megalomani­acs — and Kim has already won.

Rich Barnes

North Korea has reneged on deals so many times, I hope the U.S. cuts it no slack in any negotiatio­ns.

Tom Stevens

If Trump accepts Kim’s invitation without specific preconditi­ons, he will have given Kim legitimacy on the world stage. Scott Eglseder

It sounds to me like Kim is just buying time. I’m personally very skeptical of having a diplomatic solution that works for both the U.S. and North Korea, but it’s probably worth trying.

Rich Davies

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