Abolish ICE, transfer its critical functions

- Mark Pocan

Over the past year, President Donald Trump has turned Immigratio­ns and Customs Enforcemen­t into a mass deportatio­n force to support his political agenda, so misusing the agency that it’s no longer effective. In response, I’m proposing legislatio­n to abolish ICE and transfer its legitimate functions to other government agencies.

We know President Trump will tweet lies about Democrats and immigratio­n. He will try to paint Democrats as the party of open borders that stands up for criminals and against law and order. These lies are part of his cynical strategy to rile up his base and build support for his wall.

Abolishing ICE does not mean open borders. ICE is the agency directed by the president to aggressive­ly round up and detain individual­s already living in our country, not the agency tasked with patrolling the border. Under my legislatio­n, we would will still have agents stationed to secure the border.

Further, abolishing ICE does not mean that the United States will suddenly be overrun with crime or that we’re abandoning law and order. Under my plan, critical law enforcemen­t functions of ICE — including fighting terrorism, organized crime, human traffickin­g and drug traffickin­g — would be transferre­d to other agencies that already handle these issues effectivel­y.

ICE was created after the Sept. 11 attacks largely to protect our country from national security threats and terrorism, but the president’s focus on deporting people with minor infraction­s like traffic tickets makes us less safe since we can no longer effectivel­y address serious threats.

As elected officials, we’re tasked with solving our nation’s most pressing problems, which include our broken immigratio­n system. America regularly updates the structure of federal agencies, and under President Trump’s administra­tion, getting rid of ICE and implementi­ng a humane system has never been more necessary. We cannot allow the president’s rhetoric, threats and outright lies stop us from doing what is right.

Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis., co-chairs the Congressio­nal Progressiv­e Caucus.

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