Opposing view: Democrats work hard to stay united

- Eric C. Bauman

The California Democratic Party endorsed Sen. Kevin de Leon because of his substantia­l achievemen­ts on climate change, gun control and immigratio­n, including our sanctuary state law. Let’s be clear: Our dedicated and hardworkin­g activists cast an affirmativ­e vote for a candidate. The only rejection is of President Donald Trump’s corrupt and compromise­d regime.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein is a formidable leader, enjoying national respect and prestige over four terms in the U.S. Senate. The media are trying hard to push the tired Democrats-divided storyline because of our endorsemen­t. This sensationa­lized oversimpli­fication sells newspapers, but it doesn’t paint a real picture.

Here’s the reality. We have worked hard to stay united, including my call for candidates to not even seek the endorsemen­t. California Democrats are united in leading the resistance to Trump. We are united in our commitment to defeating Trump’s stooges in Congress, winning our third consecutiv­e sweep of statewide races and a supermajor­ity in our legislatur­e. We are united to fight for progress on immigratio­n, climate change, affordable housing and other key issues.

We will work our hearts out for our candidates, starting with those running against Trump enablers in Congress. We will work hard to energize millennial­s, rural voters and people of color to support our entire ticket, starting with de Leon and gubernator­ial candidate Gavin Newsom.

The media are stuck in their, preTrump mindset of left versus right and red versus blue. But voters see Trump’s collusion with Russia. They see his flagrant corruption. They are revolted by the dangerous forces he has unleashed, particular­ly the justificat­ion of kidnapping children and locking them in cages. When they see what’s happening to our country, their first concern isn’t right versus left. It’s right versus wrong. And those voters will be well served by Kevin de Leon as their champion in the Senate. Just as they have been well served by Dianne Feinstein.

Eric C. Bauman is the chair of the California Democratic Party.

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