As a nation, we need ‘Medicare for all’


I stepped up to the man in blue and requested my prescribed antibiotic to snuff out an emerging toe infection. “How much?” I inquired. “$3.30,” the blue man responded. “Too much, can’t afford it,” I joked, drawing a pained look from the drug dispenser. “How much if I had no insurance, a hundred bucks?” I persisted, throwing out an absurdly high number. The annoyed employee looked at the paperwork and shot back, “$105.” Now I was no longer amused.

There is something very wrong when the richest country in the world charges a person of means $3.30, but slams a poor bloke of little or no means 32 times that for a vital medicine. That is why I work every day to elect people to office who support Medicare for all. Walt Zlotow

Glen Ellyn, Ill.

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