Could 747s be converted to bombers?

- John Cox John Cox is a retired airline captain with US Airways. Columnist

Question: Why doesn’t the U.S. Air Force buy retired 747s, put bomb-bay doors in them and use them as heavy bombers where the airspace is unconteste­d?

– Submitted by reader Jo, Los Angeles

Answer: Bombers have specific operationa­l demands. They must be able to fly in airspace that can be hostile, even when it is said to be unconteste­d. The profession­als who crew these airplanes need shielded electronic­s and other special devices.

It is unlikely that a commercial air- plane would meet the mission needs stated by the Air Force.

Q: I look at the news in wonder when I see large jet aircraft now being used to fight forest fires. Are there special settings the pilots must use (flaps/thrust/etc.), and is there special training these pilots must have?

-- Tom Atkinson, Scottsdale, Arizona

A: The pilots who fly aerial tankers for firefighti­ng are specially trained. These highly skilled people put fire retardant on target in very hostile conditions. Testing and experience provide them with the optimum slat/flap setting and target speed. Thrust will vary depending on the drag from the slats/ flaps, the density of the air, target airspeed and the weight of the airplane.

Q: If a 737 were converted to carry water to put out forest fires, how many gallons could it carry? – Submitted via email

Let’s assume we could reduce the weight of a 737 to 80,000 pounds basic operating weight and that the structural limit was 140,000 pounds. That would leave 60,000 pounds for fuel and water. Further assume we will depart with 10,000 pounds of fuel, leaving 50,000 pounds for water. Water weighs 8 pounds per gallon, resulting in 6,250 gallons of firefighti­ng fluid. Q: Regarding your recent column on World War II fighters, wasn’t the

P-38 better than both the P-51 and F4U Corsair?

– Julan Jatem, Venezuela

A: The P-38 was definitely one of the classic fighters of WWII. It entered service before the P-51 or F4U. It was better in some ways, but having two engines required more maintenanc­e. The P-38 had a tail flutter problem at high speed that the P-51 did not. One considerat­ion was the cost of the P-38 was nearly twice that of the P-51. The

F4U can out-turn either of them. The term “better” is subjective – in this case it’s in the eye of the beholder.

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