Abortion cases offer test for high court

- Richard Wolf

WASHINGTON – Abortion opponents who have waited decades for a reliably conservati­ve Supreme Court are knocking on the building’s bronze doors. But after a historical­ly partisan confirmati­on fight, the justices may not answer.

Cases challengin­g the timing, methods, funding and providers of abortion are headed inexorably toward the high court at a time when Chief Justice John Roberts and his colleagues are seeking a lower profile.

Before Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on battle was consumed by an allegation of decades-old sexual assault, his position on abortion loomed paramount. Kavanaugh, 53, referred to Supreme Court decisions legalizing and affirming abortion rights in 1973 and 1992 as “precedent on precedent.”

When the assault accusation threatened his eventual 50-48 confirmati­on, he erupted in a tirade against Senate Democrats and “left-wing opposition groups.” That appearance of partisansh­ip has Roberts and colleagues hoping to avoid issues that could divide the court 5-4 along ideologica­l lines.

“We do not sit on opposite sides of an

aisle,” Roberts said last week at the University of Minnesota, quoting from Kavanaugh’s conciliato­ry speechat his White House swearing-in ceremony. “We do not caucus in separate rooms. We do not serve one party or one interest. We serve one nation.”

The combinatio­n of ready-made abortion challenges and the justices’ likely reluctance to hear them has left both sides in the debate wondering what will happen next.

Louisiana and Kansas have asked the court to let them deny Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood, which could jeopardize preventive care and contracept­ion services for low-income clients. The justices could decide as early as this week whether to hear those cases.

Indiana has asked the justices to reverse a lower court decision blocking the state from outlawing abortions sought because of gender, race or disability. The state also wants to require that fetal remains are buried or cremated. Vice President Mike Pence signed the law when he was governor.

Other cases working their way through federal appeals courts seek to impose requiremen­ts on abortion clinics and providers similar to those the high court struck down in a Texas case two years ago, when Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy held the tiebreakin­g vote. Kavanaugh’s arrival could portend a reversal.

And lurking in lower courts are more restrictiv­e state laws banning abortions after a certain number of weeks, as well as others banning the most common method of second-trimester abortions.

Abortion calculus

The flurry of activity in federal and state courts began before Kennedy’s retirement and Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on gave the Supreme Court five solidly conservati­ve justices. The question is whether that transition will translate into action or caution.

“That’s the calculus we’re all trying to do,” said Steven Aden, general counsel at Americans United for Life, which opposes abortion rights in courts across the country. Kavanaugh’s presence, he said, “makes the abortion industry cautious.”

Neal Devins, a William & Mary Law School professor who has written on abortion law and politics, predicted the court under Roberts will steer clear of abortion cases for now.

”I think he wants to do everything in his power to have the court look like a court of law and not a political court,” Devins said.

Abortion rights groups would be happy if the chief justice swayed his colleagues in that direction. They have been winning more than losing in state and federal courts, which have struck down efforts by Republican state legislatur­es to limit when and where women can get abortions.

“It is hard to say that the floodgates will be any more open than they already have been,” said Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproducti­ve Rights, which is fighting state restrictio­ns in 20 court cases.

Despite those victories, abortion rights groups remain concerned that a split between federal appeals courts could develop that would pressure the Supreme Court to settle those difference­s – if not this term, then in the near future.

Stopping short of Roe

The last major case involving abortion procedures was decided in 2007, when the justices upheld a federal law banning “partial birth” abortions. The key vote came from new Associate Justice Samuel Alito, whose predecesso­r, Sandra Day O’Connor, had voted to strike down a similar law seven years earlier.

Kavanaugh’s replacemen­t of Kennedy could have the same effect on the court’s 2016 ruling striking down a Texas law that required abortion clinics to meet surgical-center operating standards and doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. Similar laws in Louisiana, Missouri and Arkansas are working their way through appeals courts.

Those efforts to restrict abortion don’t extend to overturnin­g Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that made abortion legal nationwide in 1973. Many experts believe that decision won’t be overruled with a narrow 5-4 conservati­ve majority on the court.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Activists on both sides of the abortion demonstrat­e at the Supreme Court during the March for Life on Jan. 19.
GETTY IMAGES Activists on both sides of the abortion demonstrat­e at the Supreme Court during the March for Life on Jan. 19.

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