Does Donald value Melania’s opinion?

- Miles Meyrow

First lady Melania Trump called for the firing of deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel, after a quarrel started last month.

Imagine the freakouts Republican­s would have had if first lady Michelle Obama had asked President Barack Obama to fire anyone in the administra­tion. The first lady is not qualified (nor is the president) to make decisions about national security. However, a husband valuing his wife’s opinion does matter.

Michele Braune

This is not the job of the first lady. I think this is President Donald Trump using his wife to get rid of national security adviser John Bolton’s assistant while Bolton is out of the country.

Tom Horn

It was reported that Ricardel clashed with Defense Secretary James Mattis and Chief of Staff John Kelly. She was leaking stories to the news media. But she crossed the line fighting with the first lady’s people.

It hurts the country when expertise and knowledge in foreign affairs takes bows to ideology, politics and loyalty pledges.

Dmitri Zigrino

The math is pretty simple: You don’t get along with the president or first lady, regardless of political party, you’re going to get fired. There’s no scandal here whatsoever.

William Peck

Not sure why this is a big deal to everyone. If Melania Trump doesn’t like Ricardel, then find someone else. No conspiracy here, just two people who don’t get along. There’s a ton of that in the White House from what I hear.

Scott Bennett

If Trump respects her opinion, I have no problem with a husband asking and listening to his wife’s opinion about staffing.

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