Warren moves toward 2020 presidenti­al run

- William Cummings

WASHINGTON – Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren announced the formation of an explorator­y committee for a presidenti­al run, making her the highest-profile Democrat to formally move toward a bid for the White House in 2020.

“If we organize together, if we fight together, if we persist together, we can win. We can and we will,” Warren told supporters in a video posted online Monday.

The former law professor has long been expected to join a large field vy- ing for the 2020 Democratic presidenti­al nomination. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the runner-up in the 2016 Democratic primary; former Vice President Joe Biden; and Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke are among those who may seek to challenge President Donald


“In our country, if you work hard and play by the rules, you ought to be able to take care of yourself and the people you love. That’s a fundamenta­l promise of America, a promise that should be true for everyone,” Warren said at the open- ing of her video.

She also discussed her childhood in Oklahoma and the opportunit­ies that she had despite the fact that her father worked as a janitor after suffering a heart attack.

“Working families today face a lot tougher path in life than my family did. And families of color face a path that is steeper and rockier, a path made even harder by the impact of generation­s of discrimina­tion,” she said.

Warren, 69, has been a fierce critic of Trump and his administra­tion, and he has made her one of his favorite targets, mocking her claims of Cherokee heritage by calling her “Pocahontas.”

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Elizabeth Warren

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