‘God doesn’t care about dress’: We need the younger generation back in church


In Stacia Datskovska’s column, “Churches could win back teens like me if they were more welcoming and less judgmental,” she called on churches to modernize.

In Datskovska’s column, the woman who approached her mom to scold her church outfit was completely out of bounds. I am 64, and I’ve been in church since my mom and dad took us. In the younger years, it may have been a struggle. As an adult, I look forward to Mass.

Now, in my southern church, attire is a wide range of styles: Shorts, T-shirts, sweatpants and business casual are the norm. God doesn’t care about dress. He cares about community and love.

My church, St. Matthew Catholic Church, was touted as the largest Catholic parish in America with over 35,000 parishione­rs. At St. Matthew, The Charlotte Observer reported in 2017 that faith formation class attendance is about 3,700 children, and that over 600 children are confirmed in one weekend.

We need this younger generation back at church. Church helps the mind and soul; it is energy boosting. The dress is open to your own thinking — the people just show up.

Mark A. Mazzone Charlotte, N.C.

Most churches now cater to young people, have youth programs and are not judgmental. People wear shorts and T-shirts to my church’s Sunday services, which looks foreign to me as an older, lifelong Christian who used to be told to wear a coat and tie to church. Dave Meyers

Nothing is more jarring than entering church to worship and being told you’re “Christiani­ng” wrong.

Teresa Bryan Peneguy

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