Horgan working from home in London with her 2 daughters

- Andrea Mandell

“Catastroph­e” star misses the writer’s room, welcomes global protests for racial justice.

Still in quarantine? You’re not alone. Celebritie­s are cooped up in their homes across the country just like many of us. As we collective­ly navigate this uncharted territory, USA TODAY presents Quarantine Diaries, which give readers a peek into how our favorite stars are spending their time at home.

Today’s diarist is “Catastroph­e“star Sharon Horgan, who is at home with her two daughters in London, a city that is equally mired in politicize­d stances about reopening. She’s also seeing protests for George Floyd overseas, and notes how the U.K. is “incredibly flawed” on the issue of racial inequality as well. The protests, says Horgan, are “turning up the volume on it, and it’s it’s what we need. We need to sort of be shocked into change.

“When Time’s Up and #MeToo happened, it made a lot of men feel very uncomforta­ble. And women were like, great, good, I’m glad you were feeling uncomforta­ble, because now you get it. So I think it’s the same for white people at the moment.”

With her new movie “Military Wives“now streaming on Hulu, iTunes and in virtual cinemas, Horgan walks us through a day in her life.

As told to Andrea Mandell:

8:30 a.m. I’m definitely getting up later than I did pre-quarantine, because my daughter just needs to get from her bed to her little workspace in the kitchen, which is completely different (from) how things were before, where she’d have to get a lift to a bus. We set the alarm for 8 but we get up around 8:30.

9 a.m. I make a different thing for each of them. My eldest girl (who is 16) I make this ridiculous smoothie that kind of has everything in it, like oats, banana and berries and yogurt and all that stuff. And then my littlest (age 12) it’s like a bagel with Nutella on it or something that is vaguely sweet. For me it’s just coffee.

10 a.m. After breakfast my littlest gets set up at her workspace. I start work when she starts school. I usually come up to (to my bedroom). Sometimes, if I’m honest, I work in bed. I used to go to our production company, so for me, now leaving (downstairs) and coming up here, I do get into more serious kind of work mode. It’s pretty much me working until lunchtime, and then I go down and I make them lunch.

Are you writing the pandemic into future shows? (Horgan, who created HBO’s “Divorce,” is working on a new pilot and the third season of the British show “Motherland,” among other projects.) Here and there. I could be completely wrong, but I feel like when all this is over COVID-wise, no one’s going to want to watch shows about COVID. Or shows about isolation. I think there’ll be clever ways to to refer to it and to reference it in some

way. But I think once this is done, I never want to see anyone talking into a screen to another friend, certainly not for entertainm­ent.

Lunch: I had a tuna wrap. My little daughter likes to make her own lunch; it’s kind of gross. It usually revolves around, like, chopped up frankfurte­r and ketchup. But she likes to be a little sort of chef in the kitchen, and it’s very cute.

On working and creating shows remotely: I’m very ready to go back to work. I mean, I’m working – we do it on Zoom, we did one this morning, like 10 or 12 people on screen going through their slates. But there’s something about being in a writer’s room. It’s different when you’re on Zoom. It does the job, but it’s kind of different when you’re in the room together and you can get things up on the wall and you can see something taking shape.

8 p.m. Dinner was pasta and a sort of breaded chicken thing, and a breaded corn thing and asparagus and salad. Eight is kind of late. Normally we would eat around 6; it’s a weird COVID thing. But now we’re eating around 8 because we’re going to bed later.

What I’m streaming: I watched the Michael Jordan series “The Last Dance,” which I loved. I binged “Normal People.” I’m trying to educate myself a little bit, like, actually watching Fellini films. (Laughs) Now I know what all the fuss is about.

10:15 p.m. I got in bed around 10:15 but I went to sleep about a quarter to one. I was watching “The Heartbreak Kid,” and then I stupidly picked up my phone and watched the world go by.

How are you digesting the news right now? I’m kind of in a in a state of shock and disbelief. That White House video (Monday) with Trump and 20 other white men in suits walking out and that sort of fake show of power and holding up the Bible when clearly it’s a book he’s never opened . ... I’m not a Christian myself, but that’s definitely not a religious man there. And just the hypocrisy behind it and the whole sort of message of “law and order” and not really having any connection to what the protests are actually about, which is clearly freedom and democracy and a fight against oppression ... it’s very hard to watch it, like it’s a car crash happening. But at the same time, I think you need something shocking like that. Big social change usually happens off the back of unrest and protest, and it feels like if enough people in positions of power stood up and said, ‘This is clearly not right, what’s going on?’ then we might have a chance.

“When Time’s Up and #MeToo happened, it made a lot of men feel very uncomforta­ble. And women were like, great, good, I’m glad you were feeling uncomforta­ble, because now you get it. So I think it’s the same for white people at the moment.” Sharon Horgan, actress and writer

 ?? COURTESY OF ROBIN MARCHANT ?? Sharon Horgan is the star of “Catastroph­e” and “Military Wives.”
COURTESY OF ROBIN MARCHANT Sharon Horgan is the star of “Catastroph­e” and “Military Wives.”

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