Expand mail-in voting in time for November elections


Less than five months until Election Day, there’s a surprising­ly fierce debate over mail-in balloting, driven largely by an unpopular president apparently worried that too many people will cast votes in November.

But Donald Trump’s outrageous outbursts about the issue — “There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantia­lly fraudulent,” he tweeted last month — don’t stand up to even casual scrutiny. Twitter for the first time slapped a factcheck label on that tweet.

The fact is, Trump himself votes by mail. All 50 states allow it to some degree. One in four Americans voted by mail in 2016 and 2018. And the practice dates to Union troops voting absentee in the Civil War.

A deadly pandemic renders mail-in voting even more important, particular­ly as epidemiolo­gists warn of a possible second coronaviru­s surge come autumn. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that where possible, mail-in voting be encouraged.

Casting ballots after waiting in long lines unquestion­ably carries risks. In April, after the Wisconsin Supreme Court blocked the governor’s effort because of the pandemic, people still braved the polls in record numbers. Dozens voting in person contracted COVID-19.

Even before the pandemic, five states — Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah and Washington — conducted elections primarily by mail, proactivel­y sending mail-in ballots to registered voters. “It works very very well,” Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said last month, “and it’s a very Republican state.”

Washington, D.C., and 34 states allow absentee voting without requiring an excuse.

Since the outbreak, Republican and Democratic election officials across the country have expanded access to absentee voting for primaries and might do so for the fall. Eleven states that require an excuse to vote by mail waived it for those who fear falling ill. A dozen more have chosen to send out mail-in applicatio­ns or request forms.

The nation is embracing the practice. At least two-thirds of Americans say mail-in voting is necessary during a pandemic.

But Trump continues to make false allegation­s that states are sending mail-in ballots to noncitizen­s or people who aren’t registered to vote, that ballots will be fabricated, or that children are going to raid mailboxes for them.

This hand-wringing would be laughable if Trump wasn’t threatenin­g to destabiliz­e the Postal Service and to “hold up” federal funding where battlegrou­nd states are increasing voting by mail. The Republican Party is investing millions of dollars on court challenges to vote-by-mail initiative­s.

The reality is that mail voting is a prudent step in a health crisis, and the risks of fraud are tiny. A Washington Post analysis this month showed that in three vote-by-mail states, there were 372 questionab­le ballots out of 14.6 million cast, or 0.0025%.

Research has demonstrat­ed that the practice favors neither Republican­s nor Democrats in voting results.

To be sure, states need to adopt adequate safeguards as they race to expand such voting. Regular efforts should be made to ensure the accuracy of voter rolls, and ballots need to be authentica­ted through processes like signature matching and unique bar codes on ballot-return envelopes.

A party that thinks its best hope is to suppress votes is a party in trouble. The case for expanded mail-in voting was already strong. In the midst of a pandemic, it’s even more so.

 ?? ELIJAH NOUVELAGE/GETTY IMAGES ?? Voters line up in Atlanta on Tuesday.
ELIJAH NOUVELAGE/GETTY IMAGES Voters line up in Atlanta on Tuesday.

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