Why do people ignore experts?

Risk response and social, cultural factors in play

- Alia E. Dastagir

Since COVID-19 arrived in the U.S. earlier this year, the virus has sickened more than 5 million Americans, claimed at least 167,000 lives and wrought financial ruin.

Some Americans have been dutifully following the recommenda­tions of public health experts – forgoing touch, canceling travel, holing up at home with kids while trying to work. Others have balked at the most basic precaution­s, refusing to wear masks and continuing to gather in large groups.

Psychology and public health experts say variations in how people respond to public health recommenda­tions can be attributed to difference­s in how they navigate threats as well as social and cultural factors. These factors may also influence whether people are able to sustain behavior changes for the long haul ahead – exhausted parents, frayed front-line workers, the millions of Americans worn down by isolation.

“It is easy to think that people don’t follow the recommenda­tions because they don’t want to, but there are also systemic and situationa­l issues at play that affect people’s behavior,” said Stephen Broomell, an associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University who studies judgment and decision making under uncertaint­y. “These can range from problems with communicat­ion, comprehens­ion and personal risk assessment.”

While many countries have halted the spread of COVID-19, the U.S. on Thursday reported the most COVID-19related deaths in one day since May. Beating the pandemic, experts say, requires large-scale cooperatio­n for much longer than anyone anticipate­d.

“Until we get a vaccine, our only real tools are behavioral. We have to think through the lens of behavioral science. What can we do to nudge and encourage and cajole and motivate people to do the right thing?” said Jay Van Bavel, an associate professor of psychology and neural science at New York University.

“I think many people were hoping we would shut everything down for two weeks ... and then go back to normal. But since we didn’t do it well enough originally, we are in this ongoing nightmare.”

What experts are up against

A 2016 study found that changing health-related behavior is neither obvious nor common sense, but rather “requires careful, thoughtful work that leads to a deep understand­ing of the nature of what motivates people and the pressures that act upon them.”

Human behavior is complicate­d. Telling people what they ought to do to keep themselves and others safe seems basic, but behavior changes don’t happen in a vacuum. They occur in the context of the societies in which people live and the groups to which they belong.

In the U.S., health officials are asking people to think about the collective good in a country rooted in individual­ism. Countries that emphasize the importance of duty and obligation, such as Asian societies, have an easier time motivating people to do what’s right over what’s desirable.

“If you look at countries that are more collectivi­stic ... people feel more pressure to go along with what’s good for the group,” Van Bavel said. “Here we have traditions of individual­ism, which most of the time are great, but in a context of a pandemic are not so great and often very dangerous for everybody.”

Some people also may want to follow the recommenda­tions but can’t. They may live with someone who isn’t adhering to CDC guidelines, or they have a job, particular­ly a low-wage one, where they can’t social-distance or take paid sick leave. People who are homeless can’t shelter in place. Some trauma survivors may have a difficult time wearing masks.

Missed opportunit­ies

Experts say what happens in the early days of a crisis can be key to how well people respond to what’s being asked of them.

Earlier this year, President Donald Trump said “the coronaviru­s is very much under control.” In February he said cases were “going to be down to close to zero.”

Trump’s statements often contracted ones from Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who has repeatedly emphasized the need for behavior changes to curb the spread of COVID-19. Research shows people are more likely to adopt public health recommenda­tions when they are clearly and consistent­ly communicat­ed.

Masks, for example, weren’t initially a recommenda­tion, and even once they became one, there were conflictin­g messages from the White House on their importance. The president wore a mask publicly for the first time in July.

“Unfortunat­ely, wearing a mask wasn’t one of the behaviors that people adopted in the first weeks of the pandemic,” Broomell said. “Because of this, most people experience­d surviving the start of the pandemic without a mask. Only the small proportion that encountere­d the virus and got sick had the correct feedback that their behaviors were not actually as effective as they thought.”

Focus on shared identity

America is deeply polarized. One of the most persistent gaps in adherence to social distancing, hand-washing, masks, soon vaccines – is the difference between Democrats and Republican­s.

A recent Gallup poll found 81% of Democrats are willing to be vaccinated if a free and FDA-approved one were available, while 47% of Republican­s say the same.

So-called filter bubbles – where people encounter only informatio­n that aligns with their existing beliefs – can create alternate realities around risks and actions necessary to mitigate them. Social media is ripe for conspiracy theories and misinforma­tion, making it difficult for some people who get their news online to separate fact from fiction.

Van Bavel says that to encourage cross-pollinatio­n of good health-related behaviors, people should focus more on their shared sense of national identity.

“To appeal to somebody who’s different from you politicall­y, appeal to ... your sense of shared purpose,” he said.

Shame and humiliatio­n are not effective tactics to change behavior, experts say. If you want to persuade a Republican to wear a mask, Van Bavel said, show them the recent pictures of Trump wearing one, or the one of Dick Cheney that went viral.

Leadership at vaccine stage

Health experts say that to win the fight against COVID-19, widespread vaccinatio­n is essential, but the Gallup poll found that overall one in three Americans say they won’t get the vaccine when it becomes available.

Different strategies will be needed to address different causes of vaccine hesitancy. People concerned about safety will need reassuranc­e; people of color will need to be engaged in a process that builds trust; and people worried about government overreach will need to be heard, said Monica Schoch-Spana, a senior scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Visible leadership will be key. “You’re going to need people like the president getting a shot of the vaccine in a press conference,” Van Bavel said. “That’s the type of leadership you need. Role modeling, showing the right norms, illustrati­ng that it’s easy and harmless, that he trusts the process.”

Modeling behavior

People are more likely to cooperate when they believe others are cooperatin­g.

“Even if you don’t agree with something like wearing a mask, if you see everybody around you in your community or in your neighborho­od doing it, you’re more likely to do it,” Van Bavel said. “That’s part of human nature, and there’s lots of evidence that norms matter for our behavior in lots of different situations.”

Everyone has the ability to exert influence – the president, the media, individual community members. Peer pressure can be an effective nudge.

“We all exert influence on others around us,” Van Bavel said. “What we wear, how we act, what we post on social media, those provide clues for other people about how to behave.”

‘Establish a norm’

Broomell says that if people think about some changes as the new normal versus a response to a temporary crisis it may promote the healthy behaviors experts want to see.

“Exhaustion can come from, among other things, having to pay special attention to your behaviors, waiting for the day you no longer need to perform them, and not knowing when it will end. For certain behaviors, one way to help people maintain vigilance is to establish a norm for their performanc­e,” he said.

Remind people what matters

People are resilient, and experts say it’s worth reminding Americans what the country has already survived, including two world wars.

To weather this crisis, people need to be reminded that their actions matter – that those actions are what will see the country through the pandemic with fewer lives lost.

“If we all pull together for six more months, the vaccines look to be on track and we might be through this,” Van Bavel said. “We might not have to lose our grandparen­ts or colleagues or neighbors. Can you just pull through for six more months doing the right things? Because we’re going to look back and be really devastated if we’ve lost loved ones because we just couldn’t be patient enough.”

 ?? POOL PHOTO ?? Messages from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the administra­tion have been mixed.
POOL PHOTO Messages from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the administra­tion have been mixed.

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