Valley City Times-Record

Op-Ed: Senate/House Bills & Prescripti­on Drugs

- By Roger Roehl

Five years ago, I nearly lost my life to leukemia because I couldn’t afford my medication. Even though my doctors warned me the cancer would return if I didn’t take the medicine, I did not fill my prescripti­on because I couldn’t afford the $2,400 a month copay. Luckily, I found the same medicine at a more affordable cost of $680 a month through a Canadian pharmacy.

My story is shockingly common. Surveys have found that one in three adults did not take a medication as prescribed because of the price. There have been several high profile stories of people dying because they could not afford insulin. No one should be forced to make these horrible choices. That is why I share my story and have been volunteeri­ng with AARP to urge both our state and federal legislator­s to take action to lower prescripti­on drug prices.

For decades, drug companies have raised drug prices with impunity. The average annual cost of widely used brand name prescripti­on drugs more than quadrupled between 2006 and 2018.

For too long, drug companies have been price-gouging seniors and hardworkin­g Americans. Consider insulin, used to treat diabetes, which often costs hundreds of dollars per month. Insulins are hardly new to the market. They were invented nearly a century ago, yet modern formulatio­ns remain under patent thanks to drug makers manipulati­ng the system.

Insulins are far from the only example of drugs with high and growing prices. For more than a decade, brand-name drug price increases have exceeded inflation by two-fold to more than 100-fold. Launch prices are skyrocketi­ng as well. We are now seeing drugs enter the market with sevenfigur­e price tags.

Some drug manufactur­ers claim that high drug prices are needed to support innovation. However, research has consistent­ly demonstrat­ed no correlatio­n between drug prices and innovation. Further, more than threequart­ers of drug patents awarded in recent years were for existing drugs that had been recycled or repurposed.

The root cause of the problem is clear: the high prices of prescripti­on drugs are set by pharmaceut­ical companies when they first come on the market, subsequent­ly increasing year after year.

Drug manufactur­ers’ outrageous pricing behavior has real consequenc­es for people like me. Some trek to Canada, while others risk their lives by rationing or skipping doses. A recent survey by AARP found that 44 percent of North Dakotans who stopped taking a prescribed medicine did so due to cost. This staggering number hinders our ability to improve health outcomes without a doubt.

It is not just patients being affected by drug company pricing practices: each of us is already paying for skyrocketi­ng drug prices. We pay not only at the pharmacy counter, but through higher insurance premiums and higher taxes we pay to fund programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

Americans over 65 are hit especially hard. Enrollees in Medicare’s prescripti­on drug program take an average of more than four prescripti­ons, and their average annual income is around $26,000. One in three Americans has not taken a medication as prescribed because of the cost.

Meanwhile, drug companies are fighting for the status quo and blocking needed improvemen­ts to the system that could bring relief to seniors, families and small businesses. Pharmaceut­ical industry lobbyists are at the N.D. State Capitol telling legislator­s that more affordable drugs will harm consumers.

There are four bills before the North Dakota Legislatur­e that offer solutions.

House Bill 1032 is an important building block for other legislativ­e efforts that can more directly address prescripti­on drug costs. This transparen­cy bill would require pharmaceut­ical companies to provide informatio­n about how a drug is priced, and to justify large price increases.

Senate Bill 2209 would allow for the safe importatio­n of prescripti­on drugs from Canada. Senate Bill 2170 would allow the state to “import” drug prices instead of the actual drugs. And Senate Bill 2212 would require a legislativ­e interim study on prescripti­on drug pricing. All three bills would begin to help lower the cost of prescripti­on drugs for North Dakotans.

The simple truth is medication­s do not work if patients cannot afford them. It is far past time we put an end to drug companies’ anti-competitiv­e behavior.

We cannot afford to continue to pay the highest prices in the world for prescripti­on drugs. Thankfully, the North Dakota Legislatur­e has an opportunit­y to help North Dakotans with the passage these four important pieces of legislatio­n.

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