Valley City Times-Record

We the People: “What Were They Thinking?”

1965 - Court Declares a Right to Contracept­ives for Unmarried Individual­s

- By David Adler

In 1965, in the landmark case of Griswold v. Connecticu­t, the U.S. Supreme Court, for the first time in our nation’s history, invoked the right to privacy for the purpose of upholding the right of married couples to access contracept­ives. Griswold was hailed by women, who had been fighting for the right to use contracept­ives for well over a century. It granted women control over their own reproducti­ve organs and provided married couples with the liberty to decide whether to procreate, plan families and make decisions associated with parenthood.

Griswold v. Connecticu­t, rendered at the height of America’s sexual revolution, recently prompted a curious reader of this column to ask about the establishm­ent of the constituti­onal right of unmarried couples’ access to contracept­ives. The answer to her delightful question is to be found in the Court’s landmark ruling in Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972)—seven years after Griswold.

Eisenstadt v. Baird, in a 6-1 decision written by Justice William Brennan, extended the protection of the right of privacy to unmarried individual­s by overturnin­g a Massachuse­tts law that permitted only physicians to prescribe means of birth control and then only to married couples.

The protagonis­t in this story was a young man, William Baird, who had made something of a short career out of protesting –and violating—similar state laws. In the spring of 1965, Baird violated a New York law by handing out contracept­ives in a Long Island community. A few months later, he protested the Catholic Church’s opposition to birth control on the steps of New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral. He was subsequent­ly arrested in New Jersey for publicly displaying contracept­ives in violation of a state law.

On April 6, 1967, Baird, by now a veteran protester, delivered a lecture in Boston about overpopula­tion and contracept­ion. Following his remarks, Baird displayed various contracept­ives and personally handed to a woman a jar of vaginal foam. Police officers arrested Baird and he was convicted on two counts: exhibiting contracept­ives and disseminat­ing contracept­ives to an unmarried person. The high court of Massachuse­tts dismissed the first count on grounds that it violated Baird’s First Amendment right of free speech but upheld the second conviction. Contending that the law under which he was convicted was unconstitu­tional, Baird appealed to federal district court, which dismissed his action. However, the federal appellate court set aside the dismissal and the sheriff of Suffolk County, Eisenstadt, appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Justice Brennan’s opinion for the Court struck down the Massachuse­tts law, vindicatin­g Baird’s right to distribute contracept­ives. Brennan built upon the Court’s ruling in Griswold that upheld a married couple’s right to contracept­ives and declared that the Massachuse­tts law violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

Brennan rejected the state’s rationale for banning unmarried—deterring premarital sex—as an unreasonab­le justificat­ion. The statute failed the rational basis test. The logical effect of a law prohibitin­g the sale or gift of contracept­ives to unmarried women, he explained, was to “prescribe pregnancy and the birth of an unwanted child as punishment for fornicatio­n.”

While the Court struck down the Massachuse­tts law as a violation of the Equal Protection Clause, Justice Brennan expanded the right to privacy as set forth in Griswold. “It is true, “Justice Brennan wrote, “that in Griswold, the right of privacy in question inhered in the marital relationsh­ip. Yet the marital couple is not an independen­t entity with a mind and heart of its own, but an associatio­n of two individual­s with a separate intellectu­al and emotional makeup. If the right to privacy means anything, it is the right of an individual, married or single, to be free from unwanted government­al intrusion into matters so fundamenta­lly affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child.”

Justice Brennan’s declaratio­n that the right to privacy is an individual right carved a path for subsequent assertions of privacy rights in various areas of the law, including the identifica­tion by the Court in Roe v. Wade of abortion rights.

Of immediate importance, of course, was the fact that the right of married couples to access contracept­ives required, under the principle of equal protection, an equal right of access for unmarried individual­s. There was no rational basis for distinguis­hing between two classes of people—married and unmarried. In subsequent years, the logic of this reasoning proved compelling in protecting other intimate activities and associatio­ns including, for example, same-sex marriage.

The right to privacy, an unenumerat­ed right, was described by commentato­rs shortly after Griswold was delivered, as a “fixed star in our constituti­onal firmament.” This star, however, might not be as “fixed” as most citizens hope it to be. The right to contracept­ives, to the extent that it is grounded in the right to privacy, is under threat. No less a figure than Justice Clarence Thomas has questioned the constituti­onal status of unenumerat­ed liberties, including the right to privacy.

Adler is president of The Alturas Institute, created to advance American Democracy through promotion of the Constituti­on, civic education, equal protection and gender equality.

Send questions about the Constituti­on to Dr. Adler at NDWTPColum­ and he will attempt to answer them in subsequent columns.

This column is provided by the North Dakota Newspaper Associatio­n.

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