Valley City Times-Record

North Dakota Congressio­nal Age Limits Amendment approved for June 11th Primary Vote

Retire Congress North Dakota Meets Qualified Signature Threshold for Ballot Initiative


Bismarck, ND – Today, Retire Congress North Dakota announced that its proposed amendment to the North Dakota state Constituti­on that would prohibit anyone from North Dakota over age 80 from serving in Congress will be on the June 11th primary ballot. The proposed amendment, if passed, would not impact any current North Dakota congressio­nal office holders eligible for reelection in 2024. Retire Congress North Dakota submitted 42,107 signatures. After review, the Secretary of State confirmed they had exceeded the required 31,164 signatures needed to qualify the amendment for the ballot.

Without congressio­nal term limits in our federal constituti­on preventing members from serving indefinite­ly, many in Congress hold their positions for life. Many Americans favor age limits for Congress if congressio­nal term limits are not implemente­d, especially with many in Congress aged 80 or older.

“Serving in Congress has become a lifelong occupation for many members,” said Jared

Hendrix, Chair of Retire Congress North Dakota. “Sadly, Congress has gone from the world’s greatest deliberati­ve body to one of the nation’s best assisted living facilities. Retire Congress North Dakota recognizes basic truths. With age comes health and cognitive decline, which invariably lead to absences and policy concerns. Some have served even though their cognizance has been called into question.

“Congress has refused to act. Now in North Dakota we are prepared to do something about it and set age limits for Congress,” continued Hendrix. “With the overwhelmi­ng response in signatures to get this amendment on the ballot, I have no doubt it will easily pass in June. Once it is passed, other states will follow North Dakota’s lead in setting age limits. “Even limiting the age at 80 is far above the retirement age in the military and many private corporatio­ns,” concluded Hendrix. “The average age of retirement in America is 64. Everybody else retires, I don’t see why politician­s should be different. You can’t run for Senate until you’re 30, or

Congress until you’re 25. So we already have age limits on the lower end, just not the upper end.”

The proposed amendment sets a maximum of 80 years and states no person may be elected or appointed to serve a term or a portion of a term in the U.S. Senate or the U.S. House of Representa­tives if that person could attain 81 years of age by December 31st of the year immediatel­y preceding the end of the term. Once approved by voters, age limits on congressio­nal candidates would be effective Jan. 1, 2025. More informatio­n can be found at www.retirecong­ressnorthd­

--U.S. Term Limits is the largest nonpartisa­n, nonprofit organizati­on advocating solely on term limits. Our mission is to improve the quality of government with a citizen legislatur­e that closely reflects its constituen­cy and is responsive to the needs of the people it serves. U.S. Term Limits does not require a self-limit on individual­s. Our aim is to limit the terms of all members of Congress as an institutio­n. Find out more at

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